EVP Mobile apps android and iOS

How-to use EVP With mobile devices to communicate with the dead.

In the hope that something or someone from the spirit realm will be able to use this energy to communicate back to the listener on an audio band that human ears cannot hear alone, many … Read This Story

Dybbuk Box – The World’s Most Haunted Object

When you watch a horror film, it can sometimes leave you with a sense of fear or dread. Our only consolation is that we can tell ourselves that what we just watched isn’t real, that … Read This Story

Apps like Necrophonic Spirit Box

Apps like Necrophonic the best list of EVP/ITC apps to communicate with spirits

Looking for more Apps like Necrophonic for your phone? No problem we have created a list of great Android and iOS apps that are built just for ghost hunting. This list has been updated on … Read This Story

YouTube the home of true paranormal ghost hunting.

YouTube is a great video streaming platform that is used by millions of people everyday to watch videos ranging from cats doing funny things on camera all the way to streaming paid programming from YouTube … Read This Story