
Entropy 2022

Entropy 2022, All Talk.. [Review]

There is a sinister self-help group that becomes increasingly concerning for a young woman with cancer in the film Entropy from 2021. Abby (Miranda Nieman) and Miranda (Hayley Sunshine), the girlfriend of Miranda’s ex-self-help group, … Read This Story
Eternals Movie Review

Marvels Eternals Review

During the events of Avengers: Endgame (2019), an unexpected tragedy forces the Eternals, an ancient alien race that has lived on Earth in shadow for thousands of years, into the light to fight humanity’s most … Read This Story

‘Jurassic Hunt’ Movie Review

Welcome to ‘Jurassic Park’, no wait, that’s not right. Let’s try this again. Welcome to ‘Jurassic Hunt’. A movie that asks what if you could kill them for sport instead of just seeing the dinosaurs. … Read This Story
Bae Wolf 2022 Movie Review

Bae Wolf a modern Twist on an old fable [REVIEW]

Offering something new for the website comes Bae Wolf is a new take on the legend of Beowulf and all the books, movies, folklore that follows, while it may not be considered a ‘true horror’ … Read This Story
Monsters in the Closet

Monsters in the Closet

Rather than filming a bunch of films and adding them to one film, Monsters in the Closet is an anthology film which has an interconnected story.  Several years after the death of Raymond Grant, his … Read This Story
Scream 2022 Movie review

‘Scream’ The Fifth Film Review

The new installment of the “Scream” franchise was the first made without the involvement of horror master Wes Craven, who passed away in 2015. Known collectively as Radio Silence, Bettinelli-Olpin and Gillett took over directing … Read This Story

‘Nightshade’ Movie Review

What does it mean when you start having premonitions about murders? No, I’m not talking about the plot of ‘Malignant.’ Or when you start having insomnia and suspect you might be living a double life? … Read This Story
Queen of Spades

‘Queen of Spades’ Movie Review

I can’t stop thinking of the phrase “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” whenever someone or a group of people decide to awaken the supernatural. In the new supernatural horror, Queen of Spades, a group … Read This Story