
How is The New Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie?

This newest installment in the ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ franchise is designed to ignore the events of the previous sequels in the series and serve as a brand new sequel to the original 1974 film. Set … Read This Story
Laguna Ave

‘Laguna Ave’: The Movie You Shouldn’t Watch.

It has cyborgs, conspiracies, telekinesis, and robotic limbs. No, I’m not talking about the next film in the DC Universe; I’m talking about ‘Laguna Ave,’ a low-budget sci-fi film that doesn’t make any sense and, … Read This Story

L.U.N.A 2022 – Short [Review]

The short film L.U.N.A directed by Blake Vaz, a self professed giallo aficionado, subtly mixes his passion for Italian horror within the story of a haunted house. L.U.N.A is a personal assistant akin to Amazon’s … Read This Story
UNDERNEATH: An Anthology Of Terror

‘UNDERNEATH An Anthology Of Terror’ Reviewed

Back in November 2021, Horror Facts posted the official press release about ‘UNDERNEATH: An Anthology Of Terror’ and now we have seen the impressive award winning Canadian horror anthology, fully self funded and very much … Read This Story
Last Survivors (2021

Last Survivors (2021) End of The World in Review

Last Survivors is a post-apocalyptic Hollywood thriller released about a father and son’s idyllic society being endangered by a new romance. ‘A father and son, who have been living off grid for 20 years, encounter … Read This Story
68 Kill

68 Kill You Want to See This Movie [Review]

Released in 2017, 68 Kill is not a new movie; however, I had never heard of it and came across it while scrolling through my streaming video list for something to watch. And damn, am … Read This Story
Unborn Tubi

Tubi Original Film ‘Unborn’ You Have to See This

Childbirth is often referred to as the miracle of life. Tubi’s new original film ‘Unborn’ asks the question. What if the new life growing inside you is something sinister. Something that once walked the earth … Read This Story

Who You Gonna Call? In the New ‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’ Film

There’s no need to be afraid of the newest installment in the Ghostbusters franchise, which pays tribute to the late Harold Ramis and introduces us to the Spengler family. ‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’ follows the story of … Read This Story