
Vicious Fun movie

‘Vicious Fun’ A Seriously Good Time [REVIEW]

Written by James Villeneuve and directed by Cody Calahan, ‘Vicious Fun’ just might be one of the best films to be shown at the Blood in the Snow film festival in 2021. There’s no doubt … Read This Story
The Monster Upstairs

‘The Monster Upstairs’ Horror Short Reviewed

With its short runtime of two minutes and seven seconds, The Monster Upstairs is among the shorter films at this year’s Blood in the Snow festival. Yet, this film does have a certain appeal due … Read This Story
The Call of Cableulhu

‘The Call of Cableulhu’ Cut The Cords Blood in the Snow Festival

The Call of Cableulhu is a new horror short that’s been making its way to film festivals this year. I recently had a chance to view the film at the Blood in the Snow film … Read This Story

‘He Comes at Night’ Short Film Review

After having to change to a virtual format last year due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the Blood in the Snow Film Festival is pleased to welcome fans back to the Royal Cinema this year. … Read This Story

‘The Rickety Man’ Short Film Review

As you’re aware, we at Horror Facts have been attending the HorrOrigins 2021 film festival and along with ‘OverKill’ which Justin most recently reviewed, we also had the opportunity to watch ‘The Rickety Man’ and … Read This Story
Overkill 2021 Short Film

‘Overkill’ 2021 Short Film Review

Horror Facts is currently attending the HorrOrigins 2021 film festival and its been an enjoyable experience thus far. I recently had the luxury of seeing the short film Overkill which I feel deserves a review … Read This Story

2021’s ‘Slumber Party Massacre’ Movie Review

If you wanted to watch a “Slumber Party Massacre’ film that has almost nothing to do with the original and feels more like a movie about characters who know they’re in a slasher film, then … Read This Story

A Review of James Wan’s ‘Malignant’.

James Wan makes his directorial return to horror with the recently released ‘Malignant.’ Wan, who has made a name for himself in horror with successful films like ‘Saw,’ ‘The Conjuring,’ and ‘Insidious,’ has accumulated story … Read This Story