
Forgotten Trash Review

Forgotten Trash A Tribute to Low Budget 80s Horror

Forgotten Trash is a film dedicated to a time where horror was shot out of love for the genre, a throwback to the good old times if you will, adding that low quality VHS feeling … Read This Story
Last Orders

‘Last Orders’ short Horror Film Review

“You are the architect of your own heaven and hell.” Watching Last Orders, the new short film from Jon James Smith, I couldn’t help but wonder what his first full-length feature might be like? I … Read This Story


The latest installment in the resident evil film franchise is heavily based upon the resident evil video games, it does not follow the original story of the previous films where Alice was the main focus … Read This Story

‘As a Prelude to Fear’ movie review

If you want to watch a movie about a guy who kidnaps women and forces them to play the cello, and practically spoon-feeds you the identity of the killer, then ‘As a Prelude to Fear’ … Read This Story
last night in soho

Last Night in soho “You willing to work your way up?” [review]

Sometimes the horror is real in film, and sometimes it’s imagined, and sometimes when done well, it can be both. Last Night in Soho, the latest film by Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Baby … Read This Story
The Dreamer 2019 Horror Short Film review

The Dreamer (2019) Short Horror Film Review

The Dreamer is a short Norwegian horror film that premiered as an exclusive at HorrOrigins. With a runtime of 14 minutes and 44 seconds, the film follows a mother struggling to cope with her young … Read This Story
Hell in a Handbasket 2021 Film

Hell in a Handbasket (Short Horror Film Review)

Research scientist Dale Borger struggles to maintain his solitary existence in the Arctic. As Dale represents humanity’s last hope in the face of a global pandemic, all hope falls on his shoulders. This short horror … Read This Story
The Tattooist

The Tattooist A Stunning Horror Short

When we think of horror shorts we usually think of a small film made with hopes that it will be picked up by a larger production studio to bring a full featured movie, however with … Read This Story