[Interview] The Vampire Goes To The Dentist children’s book.

The Vampire Goes To The Dentist — Does your child have fear of monsters? the dentist? Vampires?

We interviewed Jake Vamp the author of the children’s book The Vampire Goes To The Dentist, this is a twenty-four page illustrated book that helps children cope with their fear of the dentist while introducing children to non-gore horror which may also help alleviate any fears the child may have about monsters such as vampires. I first seen the posting about the book on the social media application ‘Slasher’ when Jake Vamp posted that he had made a children’s book about vampires and the dentist, I thought at first that it was a meme or a joke posting as much of the content on slasher is meme’s. I reached out to Jake Vamp asking him to clarify if the book was real and if he had wrote The Vampire Goes To The Dentist which leads us to this interview.

Here is what Jake had to say to us when I asked for a horror facts exclusive interview.

I asked Jake if this was his first book.

Yes it is my first book. I’ve always been a fan of the horror genre and I wanted to introduce my son at a very young age to the monsters in the fantasy of the (horror) genre. So I came up with this book to help him be ok with going to the dentist and learning about the monsters that I grew up with

Jake Vamp

Can you tell me what the book is about?

Yeah so with my stories I’d like to involve some of my life into my books. You will follow a vampire boy by the name of Leland which is what we were going to name our son but we decided to change it and then it became the name of the character in the book.

Also his mother is a single mother that was really something that I wanted to put in there and close to my heart because I was raised by a single mother.

The story all started when he was afraid to go to the dentist. My fascination with the monsters and vampires played a large role. I came up with a story to ease his worries about going to the Dentist and he was still very young.

So I guess you can say it kind of started out as a bedtime story, basically I wrote it down because my wife really enjoyed it and wanted me to share it with others and I thought it was a pretty cool idea to because I’ve never seen anything about vampires and dentists and I thought it would be really cool to associate a vampire and a dentist

Jake Vamp

How did the book work out for you? did the book have the desired effect?

Pretty good but my Son is autistic so he’s not really into the monsters at all like I was but I think it really made it where he wasn’t as afraid of those kind of monsters when he was little

Jake Vamp

I learned that Jake has an autistic son and suddenly the thought of the book made much more sense to me. My heart went out to the both of them and I decided that this book deserved to be seen by as many people as possible as this was a book created out of love for Jake’s autistic son.

Do you have any other books in the works?

My second book is ‘Take a Bath Bigfoot’.

I have about 30 that I’m working on but it’s hard to get them out

Jake Vamp

Where can people purchase your book?

I have a local toy shop called radar toys in the Eugene, Oregon area that sells the book for me and then it’s also available on Amazon for physical copy and digital copy, then also on digital copy on iTunes, the library and things like that and you can even get it at Barnes and Noble they just have to order it

Jake Vamp

Jake and I talked about the in’s and outs of publishing a book the hardships that come with it and how he learned so much from his publishing experience. I think that Jake is an amazing person and that his idea to incorporate horror and children’s books is original and worthy of a digital download if you are interested The Vampire Goes To The Dentist is only five bucks on Amazon and you will be helping support Jake’s independent horror books as well as his family.

On behalf of HorrorFACTS.com I want to thank you Jake Vamp for your work and all the love you send back to the horror genre community.

Last Updated on May 15, 2020 by Horror Facts

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