Proving Demons: “The Great Cockroach Conundrum: A Tale of Ouija Boards and Uninvited Guests”

Greetings, dear readers and seekers of the supernatural! Today, we’re exploring an episode from the “Proving Demons” YouTube channel that takes the phrase “unexpected house guests” to a whole new level of creepiness mixed with … Read This Story

EVP Ghost Contact

Talking to the Dead: An Introduction to EVP

As an avid paranormal investigator, one of my favorite methods for making contact with spirits is through EVP, or electronic voice phenomena. Capturing the voices of ghosts through electronic recording devices remains one of the … Read This Story

A scientist studying equations modeling paranormal phenomena

Spooky Parallels: Quantum Physics and the Paranormal

At first glance, quantum physics and the paranormal seem unlikely compatriots. Yet some of the most boundary-pushing concepts from quantum theory align surprisingly well with claims from paranormal research. This section will explore some of … Read This Story

Necrophonic Spirit Box Tear Down

Necrophonic how does the Spirit Box App Really Work?

Necrophonic is a spirit box application for both Android and iOS devices that allows the user to use a sound bank and ITC to create a portal to communicate with entities and/or ghosts. Necrophonic is … Read This Story

EVP Mobile apps android and iOS

How-to use EVP With mobile devices to communicate with the dead.

In the hope that something or someone from the spirit realm will be able to use this energy to communicate back to the listener on an audio band that human ears cannot hear alone, many … Read This Story