
Final Cut Movie Review

Rise of the Undead – What I Thought About Final Cut (2022)

Michael Hazanavicius has established a name for himself in the film industry as a director thanks to the James Bond parody franchise OSS 117. He then went on to direct The Artist, which was awarded … Read This Story
Candy Land (2022) Review of the movie, let's find out if you should watch the movie

Should You Watch Candy Land?

After viewing Candy Land (2022), I can state with confidence that it is one of the finest horror films of the year (2023) so far. My initial impression was that it would be a standard … Read This Story

Is M3gan Your New Friend Till the End?

We at Horror Facts recently sent out a tweet to our amazing followers, asking them to weigh in and vote on whether or not they plan to watch M3gan when it is released in theaters … Read This Story
A in depth look of the horror movie Possession (1981) should you watch this classic horror movie?

‘Possession’: Still a Thrilling Film Nearly 40 Years Later?

Almost 40 years have passed since the initial release of Possession, an enthralling supernatural horror film. Long after it was first released, it has established itself as a timeless work of art thanks to the … Read This Story
Dead Bride (2022) Italian horror movie on review.

Italian Horror Film Review “Dead Bride,” which is Both Spooky and Unsettling.

Italian filmmakers created the horror movie Dead Bride, which sparked my interest. Alyson and Richard, a married couple, are the focus of supernatural horror film Dead Bride. They pack up and relocate to the house … Read This Story
Don't f**k in the woods part 2

Just Another Sequel You Should Skip: My Review of Don’t F**k in the Woods 2”

This weekend, do you have any plans to watch a movie? If this is the case, you might be considering putting Don’t F**k in the Woods 2 on your shortlist. However, before you press play, … Read This Story
Slaughter High Movie Review you should watch this 1980s slasher film

Gory Goodness – Re-evaluating a Forgotten 80s Slasher with ‘Slaughter High’

“Slaughter High,” with its slasher movie box art and easily missed VHS release, might have been lost to time if it weren’t for the horror fans who have kept this 1980s classic alive in recent … Read This Story

All Aboard the Tubi Original Terror Train

With the recent release of Terror Train 2, we at Horror Facts wanted to provide our readers with a breakdown and review of Tubi’s original remake of Terror Train, released this same year. As pointed … Read This Story