
Cocaine Bear And The Key To Horror Comedy

I saw Cocaine Bear on the 27th and rather than just giving my thoughts on it by reviewing it. I figure I’d also talk about the genre it fits into and why this is a … Read This Story

“A Neighbor’s Vendetta” (2023) Tubi Original

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and the new Tubi Original film “A Neighbor’s Vendetta” is a film that explores the dark side of human nature, where love and revenge intertwine in a … Read This Story

Blood (2022) Movie Review

“Blood” comes from production companies, Hercules Film Fund, H2L Media Group, Rhea Films, and 1821 Studios, with Vertical Entertainment distributing the film. Blood is contracted to us by director Brad Anderson and scribed by Will … Read This Story
The Offering Movie Review

A Family’s Nightmare: The Offering Movie Directed by Oliver Park

Directed by Oliver Park, The Offering is about a family that must deal with a demon that is targeting a pregnant woman. But mostly the movie is about how a man managed to unleash the … Read This Story
Cabin Tales Movie Review

“Cabin Tales”: A Spunky Little Movie with a Lot of Heart and Flaws

“Cabin Tales” is an extremely low-budget anthology from writer/director Justin Russell. In the film, three teens arrive at a secluded cabin, and regale each other with gritty little horror stories. Woe to these teens when … Read This Story
Grotesque 2022 a good indie horror movie

Grotesque: A Must-See for Fans of “May” & “Ginger Snaps”

“Grotesque” is a low-budget, Canadian, indie slasher, written, and directed by Brandon Rhiness. It is a dark comedy about Mildred, who is routinely ridiculed because of her large nose. After endless teasing, and insults in … Read This Story
She Came from the Woods

Should You Watch She Came From The Woods?

The final night of the campers’ summer break at Camp Briarbrook is where the action takes place. She Came From the Woods, which was directed by Erik Bloomquist and co-written by his brother Carson Bloomquist, … Read This Story
Lustless film

Lustless Horror Short Will Ice Your Blood

Lustless comes to us from Golden Century Entertainment and Yousuf Majid, an independent filmmaker, and is a horror short film. The film follows a male character who has set up an appointment with a female … Read This Story