
In Search of Darkness III

In Search of Darkness III The Final 80’s Doc Reviewed

The most current film in the “In Search of Darkness” retrospective series, which highlights the grandeur of horror movies from the 1980s, is the critically acclaimed “In Search of Darkness III.” This most recent video … Read This Story
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 best logo for the movie ever

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 Review: A Retrospective Look at the Cult Classic

Why TTCM2 Rocks! Fantastically terrifying, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 transports me back to the time I watched the original film for the very first time. This film is the sequel to the classic that … Read This Story
Get ready to be spooked! Knock at The Cabin is a thrilling horror film that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Experience intense fear with a must-see movie review.

Knock at the Cabin: An Elite Psychological Thriller

A Psychological Thriller That Will Keep You Guessing Until the End M. Night Shyamalan has done it again, delivering another nail-biting thriller that is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With … Read This Story
The 2023 release, "Infinity Pool," is a science fiction horror film that features the talent of international actors Alexander Skarsgård, Mia Goth, and Cleopatra Coleman. Written and directed by Brandon Cronenberg, the film tells the story of a writer on vacation who encounters a mysterious woman and uncovers sinister secrets outside of the resort.

A Nightmarish Journey into the Infinity Pool (2023)

Infinity Pool, the latest production from writer/director Brandon Cronenberg, explores the deep-rooted question of what constitutes identity. The movie showcases a unique style that has been referred to as “tech noir,” and it raises complex … Read This Story
Read the honest review of the horror film The Audition (2022) find out if you should skip this movie or watch it

The Audition Horror Movie Review: A Disappointing Experience

In the British thriller film The Audition, which is set in the year 2022, a young actor must complete a series of online tests in order to ensure the survival of those around him. When … Read This Story
Chloe, a criminology student, breaks into a morgue by pretending to be dead in order to take something from there that links her younger brother to an illegal crime. As soon as she enters, she discovers that the dreaded Coroner is using the morgue as a front for a sick and perverse business. Isabel will learn that the living are actually the scariest part of the morgue as a terrifying game of cat and mouse unfolds.

Play Dead (2022) Movie Review

T.J. is accused of committing a crime in the movie “Play Dead,” and the evidence against him winds up in the morgue. Chloe, T.J.’s sister, plays dead in order to gain access to the office … Read This Story
Leggo My Soul

Leggo My Soul, Award Winning Horror Comedy Reviewed.

Do you enjoy horror films with a comic twist? Have you ever pondered what it would be like if a horror film paid homage to the classic “Child’s Play,” but in a funny way? Look … Read This Story
Doktor Death The Dr. Death puppet from Retro Puppet Master is the subject of this standalone film.

Puppet Master: Doktor Death – A Must-See for Fans of the Franchise

Puppet Master: Doktor Death, the most recent installment in the well-known horror series, is now available on Full Moon Features streaming service, which is the only place where it can be watched online right now. … Read This Story