
Terror Train 2 Movie Review Exclusive from Tubi Streaming Service

Terror Train 2 On Tubi Movie Review Will You Take A Ride?

Tubi has, just in time for the new year, produced yet another excellent horror thriller. This year saw the remake of the original Terror Train, and Terror Train 2 is the sequel to that film. … Read This Story
Bloody New Year Film Review

This Year Have a Bloody New Year

Continuing with our coverage of New Year’s-inspired horror films, the next film we at Horror Facts watched was the 1987 British supernatural film Bloody New Year. Bloody New Year’s official synopsis: A group of friends … Read This Story
The Exhibitionists

The Exhibitionists, New Years Horror Movie [REVIEW]

The Exhibitionists is a movie that I came to enjoy quite a bit for a wide variety of different reasons, and it’s one that I would recommend to others. This is the second New Year’s … Read This Story
New Years Evil

This New Year’s Prepare for New Year’s Evil

This New Year’s, we at Horror Facts wanted to sift through every horror film centered around the holiday and let you know if it’s worth your time or if there are better ways to ring … Read This Story
Curtains (1983) Slasher Film Review

Curtains (1983) You Gotta See this Movie

After the financial success of Prom Night, the film’s producer, Peter R. Simpson, had the idea to create an “adult” slasher film. After three trying years, he was finally able to finish Curtains, which was … Read This Story
Glass Onion

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery [Review]

Rian Johnson and Daniel Craig have teamed up again in Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery for the entertaining and hilarious sequel to “Knives Out,” which takes another sneaky jab at the entitled. World-famous detective … Read This Story
Santa’s Slay

Santa’s Slay With Goldberg

Imagine that you have been transported back in time to the Middle Ages, when a kind man named St. Nicholas was spreading holiday happiness and delivering gifts to the houses of those who were less … Read This Story
The Gingerdead Man

The Gingerdead Man Christmas Insanity

The Gingerdead Man a legitimate motion picture, yes It’s just insane. The soul of a condemned murderer inhabits a cute but sinister Gingerbread man, who then unleashes havoc on the young woman responsible for the … Read This Story