
Why Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives is the Ultimate Slasher Film

Why Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives is the Ultimate Slasher Film

Jason Lives is the best of all the Friday the 13th, films. The Friday the 13th film series is widely regarded as one of the most successful horror film franchises of all time. Each of … Read This Story
New shudder original movie sorry about the demon let's find out if you should watch this movie.

Sorry About The Demon – A Shudder Original, Movie review.

The wonderfully well-crafted horror comedy Sorry About the Demon, which is now available to stream on Shudder, will have viewers laughing and screaming in equal measures. It embraces the goofy, ridiculous atmosphere that is characteristic … Read This Story
'Extramundane' (2022) Movie Poster

‘Extramundane’ (2022) Film review

“Extramundane” is a thriller from writer/director Joshua Sowden, his only feature film to date. It tells the story of property manager Trevor Wilkinson (Brant Rotnem) during his first days on the job. Not only does … Read This Story
Last Night Indie Horror Film

“Last Night” Short by Stained Glass and Blood Bath Productions

Independent horror is a real thing. There are only a few major studios that release horror produced by independent filmmakers, but the smaller indie market has been growing in recent years. These short films have … Read This Story

Ash and Bone: A Horror Movie That Forgot to Add the Horror

Ash and Bone follows the story of the Vanderbilt family, who have come from the city to spend the summer in their family cabin. Father, Lucas Vanderbilt, hopes that by spending time together in the … Read This Story
Tales from the Other Side Movie Review

Tales from the Other Side 2022 Movie Review

A film for the child in all of us, the child who craves a thrilling adventure and a scary Halloween experience. “Tales from the Other Side” is a feature anthology that finds three young trick-or-treaters … Read This Story
Sick (2023) a Peacock Original Film in review


In “Sick,” audiences are transported to the year 2020, just after the initial outbreak of COVID-19 has rocked the world and everyone is trying to make sense of what is happening. That fact alone is … Read This Story
My Sister's Serial Killer Boyfriend

What You Need to Know About Lifetime’s My Sister’s Serial Killer Boyfriend

In My Sister’s Serial Killer Boyfriend, audiences should expect a cautionary tale about choosing the wrong person to love. The film’s title gives a pretty good hint as to what happens, but here’s the whole … Read This Story