The Boogey Man 1980 Movie Poster

From Video Nasty to Cult Classic: ‘The Boogey Man’ (1980) Reviewed

“The Boogey Man” (1980), directed by Ulli Lommel, is a fascinating entry in the early 1980s horror genre that blends elements of supernatural terror with slasher film conventions. While it may not reach the heights of its more famous contemporaries, it offers a unique and often unsettling experience that has … Read This Story

Rosé’s Horror Narrator Recommendations

“Alright, Horror Facts, let’s get spooky! I’m putting together an article for Halloween and thought it would be fun to focus on Creepypasta narrations. I used to be a big fan of some of the … Read This Story

Horror Movies That Explore Sexuality

The 12 Best Horror Movies That Explore Sexuality

Horror cinema has long been a potent vehicle for exploring themes of sexuality, desire, and gender dynamics. Since its inception, the genre has served as a canvas for filmmakers to probe the depths of human … Read This Story

Prepare to Be Haunted by The Deserving

In the realm of horror, where suspense and psychological intrigue reign supreme, a chilling new offering is about to captivate audiences worldwide. Prepare to delve into the tormented psyche of … Read This Story
Post-apocalyptic entertainment

Reanimated Recreation: Keeping the Fun Alive in the Face of the Undead

The flickering glow of a kerosene lamp casts long, dancing shadows on the weathered faces huddled around a makeshift table. Outside, the mournful moans of the undead create a haunting … Read This Story

Halloween Resurrection: A Haunting Misfire

Halloween: Resurrection is a cinematic misstep that haunts the Halloween franchise like a malevolent specter, serving as a glaring example of how far a once-iconic series can stray from its … Read This Story

Horror Movie Reviews

The Boogey Man 1980 Movie Poster

From Video Nasty to Cult Classic: ‘The Boogey Man’ (1980) Reviewed

“The Boogey Man” (1980), directed by Ulli Lommel, is a fascinating entry in the early 1980s horror genre that blends elements of supernatural terror with slasher film conventions. While it may not reach the heights of its more famous contemporaries, it offers a unique and often unsettling experience that has earned it a devoted following over the years. The film’s premise is deceptively simple: two siblings, Lacey and Willy, are traumatized by a violent incident … Read This Story

Alice and the Little Green Men: The Truth is Out There, But Can You Handle It?

Thousands of people claim to have been visited or abducted by extraterrestrials. But is there any truth to these claims? Do aliens really exist? Or are these encounters with visitors from outer space merely our minds playing tricks on us? These questions lie at the heart of writer-director Anthony Columbus’s new short film, Alice and the Little Green Men. The film delves into alien abduction, false memories, and the human psyche. Prepare to have your … Read This Story
Ginger Snaps (2000) Blu Ray Cover

Ginger Snaps: When Puberty Bites Back with a Lycanthropic Vengeance

Ginger Snaps, a Canadian horror gem from 2000, sinks its teeth deep into the realm of teen horror, emerging as a ferocious exploration of female adolescence that’s anything but another run-of-the-mill scream fest. This film uses the werewolf mythos as a potent, visceral metaphor for the messy, terrifying, and often exhilarating transformation of puberty. In doing so, it delivers a horror experience that’s both deeply unsettling and intellectually stimulating, forcing viewers to confront the anxieties … Read This Story

Survival Thriller Escape Set to Unleash Terror on Digital Platforms

The survival horror genre is about to welcome a chilling new addition with the upcoming release of Escape, a gripping thriller that aims to captivate viewers with its intense narrative. … Read This Story

Alice and the Little Green Men: The Truth is Out There, But Can You Handle It?

Thousands of people claim to have been visited or abducted by extraterrestrials. But is there any truth to these claims? Do aliens really exist? Or are these encounters with visitors … Read This Story
Halloween 5 curse of Michael Myers Producers Cut

“Halloween 5: The Tale of Two Cuts – A Deep Dive into Michael Myers’ Dual Existence” [EDITORAL]

As a lifelong Halloween fanatic, I’ve spent countless nights dissecting every frame of the franchise. But nothing has intrigued me more than the enigma surrounding Halloween 5: The Revenge of … Read This Story

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Broken Bird: Descent into Loneliness and Macabre Obsession

“Broken Bird,” the feature directorial debut of veteran horror storyteller Joanne Mitchell, is set to premiere at the Pigeon Shrine FrightFest before its wider UK cinema release on August 30th. This gothic tale of isolation … Read This Story

EXILED: Crooked Rose Woods – A New Nightmare Descends on Kansas City

Prepare yourselves, horror enthusiasts, for a new era of terror is about to dawn in Kansas City. Acclaimed horror director Darren Lynn Bousman, the twisted mind behind several “Saw” entries and “Spiral,” is bringing his … Read This Story

Edge Lit 10: A Feast of Frights Returns to QUAD

Prepare yourselves, horror aficionados! The veil between our world and the realms of darkness is about to grow thin once more. Edge Lit, the premier celebration of all things horrific, thrilling, fantastical, and science fictional, … Read This Story

Free Streaming Horror

Crackle free movies streaming including horror films

Horror on Crackle in July

As the scorching July sun beats down, Crackle invites viewers to escape the sweltering heat by diving into the refreshingly eerie world of horror. While others seek refuge in cool waters, horror enthusiasts can cool … Read This Story
Crackle Free Streaming Movies and TV Shows


As the summer sun rises and the days grow longer, Crackle is about to unleash a sinister shadow over the season. This June, the streaming platform is set to terrorize viewers with a chilling lineup … Read This Story
Crackle Free Streaming Movies and TV Shows

Screams for Free: Crackle’s Terrifying May 2024 Titles

Brace yourselves, horror fans! Crackle is unleashing a terrifying lineup of spine-chilling movies this May 2024 that will have you cowering under the covers. From haunted film studios and rabid bat attacks to sinister small … Read This Story
Tubi Logo


Tubi is ushering in the autumn season with a wicked new lineup of original films that will burrow under your skin and fray every nerve. From a haunting family homecoming turned nightmarish to a nanny … Read This Story
Tubi Logo

New Horror, Thriller, and Documentary Titles Coming to Tubi in August

Attention, Tubi fans! Get ready to crank up the scares, buckle up for thrills, and dive deep into fascinating true stories this August. Tubi is unleashing a treasure trove of horror flicks, nail-biting thrillers, and … Read This Story

BloodLine Killer Comes to Tubi

Try as some might, it seems like the past just won’t stay buried. For Moira Cole, this haunting truth threatens to shatter the life she’s desperately trying to rebuild in Tubi’s new original film, Bloodline … Read This Story
Redbox Popcorn Time Free Streaming Titles This Month


As the sun-drenched days of June beckon us outdoors, Redbox and Popcornflix have a chilling reminder that darkness lurks around every corner. This month, these two streaming platforms are unleashing a terrifying collection of free … Read This Story
Redbox Movie Streaming Platform

Lock Your Doors! Redbox’s Scary Movie Invasion Begins in May

As the last chills of spring give way to summer’s warmth, Redbox is giving horror fans one final screaming sendoff for the season. This May, the rental kiosk giant is unleashing a torrent of terrifying … Read This Story


If you’re looking to add a little terror to your nights this April, Popcornflix has you covered. The free streaming service is serving up a slate of scary movies, so be prepared to be spooked, … Read This Story

Clawfoot: A Nightmarish Home Invasion Thriller Coming to Digital September 23

Michael Day’s directorial debut Clawfoot is set to unsettle audiences with its gripping tale of domestic terror when it hits Digital Download on September 23, 2024. This home invasion thriller promises to keep viewers on … Read This Story

Nightmare Fuel: Inside the Terrifying World of Cweature Features

Waypoint Entertainment is unleashing a terrifying new entity into the world of horror: Cweature Features (pronounced “Kwee-Cha Fee-Chas”). In a bold move pushing creative boundaries, Cweature Features emerges as a daring new genre label focused … Read This Story
Bad Omens

Bad Omens: Redefining Metalcore’s Boundaries

Bad Omens. The name itself evokes a sense of foreboding, a hint of darkness. But for fans of heavy music, it signifies something much more profound: innovation, artistry, and a relentless pursuit of sonic evolution. … Read This Story

Children of the Pines: Award-Winning Psychological Horror Set for Digital Release

A chilling new horror film emerges in the shadowy depths of family dysfunction. Children of the Pines, the award-winning feature debut from director Joshua Morgan, is set to unsettle audiences with its digital release on … Read This Story
Antichrist (2009) Movie Rare Poster Art

Antichrist (2009): When Sex Becomes Horror [REVIEW]

Lars von Trier’s Antichrist is not a film for the faint of heart. It’s a brutal, unflinching exploration of grief and madness that weaponizes sexuality to a degree rarely seen in cinema. The film uses sex not … Read This Story
Tubi Logo


Tubi is ushering in the autumn season with a wicked new lineup of original films that will burrow under your skin and fray every nerve. From a haunting family homecoming turned nightmarish to a nanny … Read This Story
karyn kusama

Subverting Expectations: Karyn Kusama’s “Jennifer’s Body” and “The Invitation”

Karyn Kusama is a filmmaker who knows how to keep her audience on their toes. With a knack for subverting genre tropes and delving into complex themes, Kusama has proven herself to be a force … Read This Story
Crash (1996) Movie

Crash (1996): A Twisted Metal Ballet of Sex and Destruction

David Cronenberg’s Crash is not merely a film; it’s a visceral experience, a descent into the darkest recesses of human desire where the boundaries between pleasure and pain, beauty and mutilation, become irrevocably blurred. This … Read This Story

The Poltergeist House is Finally Up For Sale

For the first time in over 40 years, a significant piece of Hollywood horror history is available for purchase. The house that served as the iconic exterior setting for the 1982 classic Poltergeist has been … Read This Story
Jurassic Triangle

Jurassic Triangle (2024) – Movie Review

In the realm of low-budget creature features, “Jurassic Triangle” emerges as a perplexing entry. Directed by Victor De Almeida and penned by Harry Boxley, this film promised an adventurous escape with its premise of colleagues … Read This Story
The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs

Survive ‘The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs’ All-Night Marathon with Fright-Rags

Horror FANS, brace yourselves for an epic evening as “The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs” gears up for the grand finale of its sixth season. The culmination, aptly named “Nightmareathon,” will be a dusk-to-dawn … Read This Story
Simona Rose in a Theatrical Pose

Interview with Simona Rose: Indie Horror Actor and Producer

Exploring the Artistic Journey of Simona Rose: From Circus Performer to Film Producer In an exclusive interview with Justin(Horror Facts), Simona Rose, a dynamic and versatile artist, opened up about her journey from a circus … Read This Story