
The Toxic Avenger Musical: the Wildest, Most Hilarious Show You’ll Ever See

Get ready to head to New Jersey and dive into the hilariously disturbing world of The Toxic Avenger: The Musical, a show so disturbing, that they’ve got a registered nurse stationed in the lobby!From the … Read This Story
I Saw the TV Glow

Down the Static Rabbit Hole: A Review of “I Saw the TV Glow”

Have you ever stumbled upon a late-night TV show so strange, so captivating, that it felt like a secret message beamed directly to you? A show that promised a world beyond the ordinary, a world … Read This Story

Horror in the Forest Review

In the crowded landscape of found footage horror films, Horror in the Forest attempts to carve out its own niche by combining the subgenre’s familiar tropes with folkloric elements. The story follows a group of … Read This Story
Killer Body Count (2024) Logo

“Killer Body Count” (2024) Tubi Review

In the ever-evolving landscape of horror, originality can be a rare commodity. Tubi’s latest offering, “Killer Body Count,” treads a familiar path – a group of teenagers isolated in a vulnerable location, stalked by a … Read This Story

Arcadian Underutilizes the Manic Genius of Nicolas Cage

When you sit down to watch a Nicolas Cage movie, you expect a certain level of unhinged, over-the-top insanity – the kind of balls-to-the-wall performance that has made him a cult icon among his most … Read This Story
Tarot 2024 movie cover

Tarot (2024) Movie Review: A Stale Hand

In an era overstuffed with horror films exploiting any premise imaginable, it was only a matter of time before someone turned to the ominous imagery of tarot cards. Enter “Tarot,” the feature debut of directors … Read This Story
Founders Day

Founders Day Review: A Dull Political Slasher That Lacks Bite

Founders Day sets itself up as a mashup of slasher horror and political satire, taking place in the small town of Fairwood amid a heated mayoral election. As the incumbent Mayor Gladwell fights to fend … Read This Story
Late Night with the Devil (2023) Book

“Late Night with the Devil” Review: A Devilishly Fun Descent Into 70s Occult Madness

The devil works hard, but Late Night with the Devil works harder. This audacious horror mind-bender dares to go where few have gone before – straight into the musty, shag-carpeted, wood-paneled depths of a 1970s … Read This Story