
Class of Nuke 'Em High 3: The Good, the Bad and the Subhumanoid

Class of Nuke ‘Em High 3: The Good, the Bad and the Subhumanoid Tromas Worst of the Series

The Class of Nuke ‘Em High 3 is by far the worst entry in the entire Nuke ‘Em franchise, an absolute piece of toxic waste, the story attempts to continue on from from the ill-fated … Read This Story

Class of Nuke ‘Em High 2: Subhumanoid Meltdown The Part Where Troma Lost The Magic Touch And Turned Fans Away From The Nuke ‘Em Franchise.

Class of Nuke ‘Em High 2 is well… not very good and even saying that is kind. However as terrible as the nuke ’em Subhumanoid Meltdown might be – I still want to bring up … Read This Story
The Prey

‘The Prey: Legend of Karnoctus’ Movie Review

‘The Prey: Legend of Karnoctus’ follows a group of mercenaries that have come to the Afghanistan desert to pull off their greatest heist, but of all the caves in all the world, they had to … Read This Story
Class Of Nuke 'Em High 35 Years Later

Class Of Nuke ‘Em High A True Troma Classic Even 35 Years Later The Film Holds Strong

Love it or hate it, The Class Of Nuke ‘Em High is here to stay forever its achieved cult status for many reasons, corny acting, over the top effects and the list goes on but … Read This Story
Vendetta (2022)

[REVIEW] VENDETTA (2022) Releasing May 17th.

“VENDETTA,” produced by Redbox Entertainment and starring Clive Standen and Theo Rossi, as well as Mike Tyson, Thomas Jane, and Bruce Willis, will be released on Tuesday, May 17. Vendetta follows an ex-Marine William Duncan … Read This Story
Night Caller (2022) Poster Image

[REVIEW] Night Caller, One Psychic’s Nightmare

The film Night Caller tells the story of a telephone psychic who receives a call from a very scratchy voiced caller one night while working at her two bit psychic call center. But this time its … Read This Story
Black Site 2022 Movie Review

Watch BLACK SITE (2022) A Redbox Original Film

How far would you go to avenge the deaths of your loved ones and to learn the truth behind their murders? ‘Black Site’ is a 2022 American action-thriller film which tells the story of a … Read This Story
Romeo and Juliet Killers

Watch Tubi Original ‘Romeo and Juliet Killers’

Love can make people do crazy things, including going so far as to kill anyone who gets between them and their one true love. The new Tubi original film, ‘Romeo and Juliet Killers,’ looks at … Read This Story