
Titanic 666 Tubi Movie

Watch The Tubi Original “Titanic 666”

The Titanic is recognized to practically everyone alive today as the ship that could not be sunk, despite the fact that it did in fact sink on April 15, 1912, in the North Atlantic Ocean. Tubi’s … Read This Story
Psycho Ape

‘Psycho Ape’ – The Worst Monkey Movie Ever Made

“A killer gorilla escapes from the Detroit Zoo and goes on a murdering spree.“ You’ve seen movies about killer primates before. From ‘Planet of the Apes’ to ‘King Kong’, I guarantee you’ve never seen anything … Read This Story
Deadly Cheer Mom

Watch Tubi Original ‘Deadly Cheer Mom’

How far would you go to achieve your Dreams? The new Tubi Original film ‘Deadly Cheer Mom’ asks the question. Would you be willing to destroy someone’s life in the process if it meant having … Read This Story

‘The Cursed’ Movie Review

Despite being such an iconic creature of folklore, the werewolf is one monster that seems to have trouble finding its place in cinema. ‘The Cursed,’ the newest film to center on the concept of werewolves, … Read This Story

‘UnSheltered’: Can You Weather The Storm?

‘Unsheltered’, the newest film from Buffalo 8 Productions asks the question. Is it Mother Nature or man itself that you should fear more? Because they can run from the storm, but can they run from … Read This Story
Sin Eater

Sin Eater Out Today But You should Skip This One [Review]

Indican Pictures has released the scary horror Sin Eater on DVD and On Demand. The picture, which stars Bill Moseley (Halloween) and is directed, written, and produced by Carmelo Chimera (After Masks), examines what happens … Read This Story

How is ‘The Batman’ movie?

‘The Batman’ is a dark story that fits perfectly in the anthology of the hero. Whereas Synder took his inspiration from ‘The Dark Knight Returns’ storyline, it feels as if Reeves found his inspiration from … Read This Story

Rachel Stavis’s Horror Short ‘Posies’ REVIEW

The greatest threat to human existence has always been ourselves, as within each person is the capability to be both good and evil. ‘Posies,’ the horror short from Rachel Stavis, centers around the idea that humanity … Read This Story