
The Sleep Experiment

The Sleep Experiment Movie Review

It’s not surprising that The Sleep Experiment was inspired by true events, because it’s horrifying to consider the kinds of terrible experiments that administrations and academics were able to get away with in an era … Read This Story
Smile (2022) Movie Review

Should You Watch Smile (2022)? Movie Review

Before the opening titles roll, practically every aspect of the horror picture “Smile” has been established: its excellent creep factor, its well-executed albeit typical shock methods, and its intertwined subject of trauma and suicide. Dr. … Read This Story
Barbarian Movie Review on Horror Facts

Barbarian Film Review Don’t Go In The Basement

If you hear someone saying, “Don’t go down there,” you should listen. This phrase is frequently used by characters in scary movies as they peer down into the basement’s murky depths in search of the … Read This Story
Here for Blood Movie Review

Here For Blood Movie Review

In the horror comedy film Here for Blood, Resident Evil actor Shawn Roberts plays the part of Tom O’Bannon. O’Bannon is a nice guy who has a good reputation in the world of wrestling, and … Read This Story
Sally’s Lullaby

Sally’s Lullaby Review

Jonathan Cook wrote and directed Sally’s Lullaby, which is a horror movie with a funny take on the “monster stalking its prey” genre. The movie also has a lot of great gore and interesting camera … Read This Story

When They Come Film Review

Continuing with our coverage of HorrOrigins 2022 Film Festival, we at Horror Facts got the opportunity to watch When They Come, a short film about the horrors of unrequited love. When They Come opens on … Read This Story
Escape: A Ghost Story Review

Escape: A Ghost Story Review

The building is haunted by a malicious ghost, and the employees of an escape room need to push beyond their fears in order to solve a series of murderous puzzles that have been placed by … Read This Story
Eric Movie Horror Short

‘Eric’ Short Horror Film Review

The short horror film “Eric” being shown at HorrOrigins follows the story of a Pomeranian named Eric who may be anything other than a charming little puppy. As the short film unfolds, we begin to … Read This Story