
Where The Scary Things Are 2022 Review

[ REVIEW ] Where the Scary Things Are (2022)

Where the Scary Things Are is a new film that follows a group of teens, who were motivated to “make their ideal urban legend” through a curriculum at their high school titled “Create Your Own … Read This Story

Kane Hodder Stars In the Tubi Original Film ‘Tow’

In the new Tubi Original film, ‘Tow,’ Jason Voorhees appears to be taking a page out of Freddy Krueger’s book, as Kane Hodder, the man behind the legendary hockey mask, is haunting his victims’ dreams. … Read This Story
Abandoned 2022 Emma Roberts Movie Review

Abandoned (2022), Review Emma Roberts New Horror Movie.

Abandoned follows a young couple after the birth of their first child, Emma Roberts and John Gallagher Jr. are considering moving to the country with the help of their real estate agent Cindy (standout Kate … Read This Story

Follow The Haunting in ‘The House in Between 2’

In 2020, ‘The House in Between’, a documentary by paranormal investigator Steve Gonsalves and filmmaker Kendall Whelpton, introduced the world to Alice Jackson and her alleged haunted home in Florence, Mississippi. In the original film, … Read This Story
The Black Phone 2022 Movie Review

The Black Phone Review, Will You Answer?

The Black Phone is now playing in theaters, you should see this film if you are a fan of Joe Hill’s work. The Grabber is a serial murderer who abducts and likely murders adolescent boys … Read This Story
Watcher 2022 Movie Review

Watcher 2022 Film Review and Trailer

A young lady and her fiancé move into a new apartment, but she is plagued by the fear of being watched by an unknown observer in the opposite building. Perhaps there’s not as much respect … Read This Story

Take a Trip With New Horror Film ‘Terror Trips’

It’s been said that you only regret the vacation you don’t take, but ‘Terror Trips’, the new horror film by Jeff Seemann proves that sometimes, there is no place like home. ‘Terror Trips’ follows six … Read This Story
Troma's War

Troma’s War (1988) The Legend of Lloyd Kaufman And The Ratings Board

Troma gained a household name after the success of The Toxic Avenger and Class of Nuke ‘Em High. Lloyd Kaufman thought that his next endeavor would be ambitious after two consecutive hits. The 1980s saw … Read This Story