
Christmas Bloody Christmas Movie Review should you watch it?

Christmas Bloody Christmas From Shudder Reviewed

Christmas Bloody Christmas a new horror film that can be viewed on Shudder has a plot that goes like this “Tori just wants to get drunk and party because it is Christmas Eve, but when … Read This Story
Prey For The Devil [REVIEW]

Prey For The Devil [REVIEW]

The plot for Prey for the Devil goes something like this, Sister Ann (Jacqueline Byers) thinks she’s the first female exorcist since she’s been called to do so, but who or what exactly is calling … Read This Story

Bed Rest Comes to Tubi

Officially hitting Tubi is the new psychological thriller Bed Rest from director Lori Evans Taylor. What happens when you’re confined to a single room with only your thoughts and memories to comfort you? The new … Read This Story
Spark Movie Blood in the Snow

Spark Blood in The Snow Short Film Review

The brand-new short film Spark will screen at the blood in the snow movie festival in 2022. a film festival showcasing the best independent and full-length indie horror in the genre. The strange movie Spark … Read This Story

Vicinal Short Film Review Blood in the Snow 2022

Vicinal is a Short Film that has made it’s appearance at this year’s Blood in the Snow film festival. I had the opportunity to screen the film thanks to the fine folks over at Super … Read This Story
The Watcher Netflix Original Movie Review

The Watcher Netflix Original Horror Series Review

Ryan Murphy, who also made the recent smash hits “American Horror Story” and “Dahmer,” is the show’s creator and director, so I had no qualms about diving into “The Watcher” right away. Imagine buying the home … Read This Story
Pearl Movie Review

Pearl Review The origin story of X’s iconic villain

Pearl (Mia Goth) isn’t herself, and she has no idea what the problem is. She’s too rigid to change her behaviour, such as when she dances atop a haystack while holding a pitchfork or when … Read This Story

Terrifier 2 is Not For The Faint of Heart

Art is back and bloodier than ever in Terrifier 2! After all, you just can’t keep a good serial killing clown down. Terrifier 2 takes place following the events of the original film, with Art … Read This Story