
There Will Be Blood In The Retaliators

The Retaliators, the new horror-thriller film from Better Noise Films, explores what happens to those who go unpunished for their sins by man’s law and instead face the wrath of vengeance. The opening of The Retaliators has … Read This Story
Who Invited Them 2022 Movie Review

Who Invited Them A Shudder Original Review

The consequences of being overly concerned with what other people think can be severe. Who Invited Them from Shudder is a film that does just this. In an effort to wow your peers and superiors … Read This Story
The Invitation 2022 Movie Review

The Invitation (2022) Review. Vampires And Dinner Parties

The Invitation by Jessica M. Thompson is packed with secrets like these and has all the makings of a thrilling and unsettling horror film. The issue is that the picture gives away too much of … Read This Story

Music Kills in The Tubi Original Requiem For A Scream

In the brand new Tubi Original film Requiem for a Scream, human suffering is music to your ears.  Requiem for a Scream follows the story of Artemis as she heads up to her family’s lake house to throw … Read This Story

Check Out the Gore of ‘Pussy Cake’.

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Wouldn’t it be crazy if someone combined elements from Predator, Alien, Men in Black, Puppet Masters, and Night of the Creeps with any zombie film ever made?”  Well then, … Read This Story
The Story of IT Pennywise

‘Pennywise: The Story of IT’ Examines the Making of the Iconic Film

It has been over three decades since the ‘IT’ miniseries and its iconic villain first premiered on TV screens worldwide. Finally, for the first time, ‘Pennywise: The Story of IT’ examines the spark that ‘IT’ … Read This Story

The World is Ending in Tubi Original: ‘Eradication’

In the new Tubi original film ‘Eradication,’ an unknown virus has begun to wipe out all human life as we know it. But one man’s blood may hold the answers to finding a cure to … Read This Story
The Evil Dead 1981 Movie Review

[Review] Evil Dead (1981) 40 Years Later Hail To The King

The fact that even after all this time, The Evil Dead is still terrifying is perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the film. Even after a second or third viewing, a good horror film should … Read This Story