
Sucker 2022 Horror Movie Short Film

‘ Sucker ‘ A Short Horror Film Reviewed At HorrOrigins Film Festival

Sucker is a twisted tale of interdependence, two sisters are set against each other by a big, repulsive leech monster with absolutely terrifying sequences.  The narrative of Sucker takes place in a world where leeches … Read This Story
The Microscope Short Horror Film 2022

‘The Microscope’ Short Film Review From HorrOrigins

HorrOrigins virtual festival just started moments ago. The first film on the venue in Block A of the festival is ‘The Microscope’ and our initial review on the short horror film is in. An eccentric … Read This Story

Spirit Halloween: The Movie Review

When you walk into a Spirit Halloween store you begin to stare in wonderment at all the animatronics spread throughout the store; terrifying entities that have been plucked from our worst nightmares.  We run up … Read This Story
Halloween Ends 2022 Full Movie Review

Halloween Ends Review Was Meant To Be A Drama Movie?

Halloween Ends, like Halloween Kills, was my most anticipated film of the year. However during my trip to see the movie last night on the IMAX screen the film did not unfold as I had … Read This Story

Prime Video’s My Best Friend’s Exorcism Review

Want to watch a movie about a girl who plays with an Ouija board and inadvertently summons a demon into our world? No, we’re not talking about The Exorcist; it’s My Best Friend’s Exorcism, a horror-comedy … Read This Story
Grim Cutty Movie Review

Grimcutty Hulu Original Movie Review

A terrifying online meme known as “Grimcutty” is at the center of this contemporary take on the monster feature genre. The parents of the village are worried that the meme is encouraging their children to … Read This Story
Jeepers Creepers Reborn Movie Review

Jeepers Creepers Reborn Reviewed. The Worse One Yet.

Jeepers Creepers Reborn is a direct replacement or remake of the original film that began it all. We live in a remake era; everywhere we turn, there are more remakes on the way. If all … Read This Story
Hellraiser 2022 Remake The Honest Review

Hellraiser (2022) revitalization of an established franchise

The quality of the new Hellraiser is almost on par with that of the classic. One of the biggest problems with horror movies, especially remakes and reboots, is that the directors rarely understand what made … Read This Story