Never Hike Alone 2: A Friday the 13th Fan Film is a sequel to the film Never Hike Alone that is currently seeking crowd funding over on their Indiegogo page. NEVER HIKE ALONE 2 is a feature-length sequel to the Never Hike Alone Fan Film saga, and it is the third and last instalment.

Three months after the disappearance of MARK HILL (Courtlan Gordon), TOMMY JARVIS (Thom Mathews), Crystal Lake’s haunting son and part-time ambulance driver, has all but given up on his quest for the long-missing JASON VOORHEES (Vincente DiSanti / Bryan Forrest).
Tommy will meet the Ghost of Crystal Lake one again when he receives an emergency call to pick up injured hiker KYLE MCLEOD (Andrew Leighty), putting in motion the epic and blood-soaked end to their deadly feud.
DR. DIANA HILL (Anna Campbell), who is still looking for answers about her son’s abduction, is caught between the pandemonium and the ever-obstinate SHERIFF RICK COLOGNE (Vinny Guastaferro), who believes Tommy is to blame.
You can watch the first film below for free and if you want to support the production of the next film then be sure to visit the Indiegogo page.
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