May Week 1 Horror Movies

We have complied a list of Horror Movies for May week one 2020 the horror movie/series releases are here and are available right now to watch or rent on various streaming platforms.

Released May 1st 2020.

Get In Netflix Movie

Get in Netflix May 1st 2020 Horror Movie

When he returns from vacation and finds his home occupied by squatters, a family man is caught in a conflict that escalates to terrifying heights.


Reckoning Netflix Mini Series

The series explores the darkest corners of the male psyche through the eyes of two fathers, one of whom is a serial-killer. Like most men, Leo and Mike try to do what’s best for the people they love, the families they protect. But as both struggle to suppress their inner demons, the murder of a local teenager sets them on a course of mutual destruction that will emanate through every facet of their quiet, suburban community.

YouTube video


The Wretched Various VOD Services

YouTube video

Following his parents’ separation, a rebellious teenage boy, Ben, is sent to live with his father for the summer and work at the local marina in order to gain some form of discipline.


The Last Drive-In Shudder

Joe Bob is back! Watching B-Movies and giving background and behind the scenes information. He watches Tourist Trap, Re-Animator and much much more.
