Succubus: New Horror Thriller from Shout! Studios

Prepare to be ensnared in a web of terror as Succubus descends upon digital platforms and DVD on September 24th. From the visionary minds at A Kiss and Tale Productions, Convoke Media, and Pixium Film Group, this chilling horror film delves deep into the darkest corners of obsession and the supernatural.

When Chris, a young father grappling with a fractured marriage, stumbles upon the enigmatic Adra, he’s drawn into a world of intoxicating desire and sinister secrets. Her allure is undeniable, but beneath her captivating exterior lies a malevolent force that threatens to consume him. As Chris becomes increasingly entangled in Adra’s web, his world unravels, revealing a terrifying truth that will test the limits of his sanity.

With a star-studded cast featuring the iconic Ron Perlman and the versatile Rosanna Arquette, Succubus delivers a powerful performance that will haunt viewers long after the credits roll. The film’s atmospheric cinematography and haunting score create a palpable sense of dread, immersing audiences in a world of shadows and suspense.

Director R.J. Daniel Hanna masterfully weaves a tale of obsession, betrayal, and the demonic, crafting a cinematic experience that is both terrifying and thought-provoking. Succubus is not just a horror film; it’s a psychological thriller that explores the depths of human depravity and the terrifying consequences of unchecked desire.

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  • A gripping tale of obsession and the supernatural
  • A star-studded cast led by Ron Perlman and Rosanna Arquette
  • Stunning visuals and a haunting atmosphere
  • A pulse-pounding climax that will leave you breathless

Succubus will be available for purchase and rental on AppleTV, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Microsoft, Fandango At Home, Bell Media, and other digital platforms. The DVD will also be released on the same date.

Don’t miss your chance to witness the ultimate seduction of terror.