Shudder, the premier streaming service for horror, thriller, and the supernatural, has acquired the chilling new film, Daddy’s Head. This haunting tale of grief, trauma, and the terrifying unknown will debut on the platform on October 11th.
From writer-director Benjamin Barfoot, the mind behind the acclaimed Double Date, Daddy’s Head follows a young boy and his stepmother as they navigate the complexities of grief after the loss of the boy’s father. Their world is turned upside down when a horrifying, otherworldly entity begins to haunt them, taking the shape of the deceased father.
“I poured my heart and soul into Daddy’s Head, exploring themes of family, loss, and the terrifying unknown,” said Barfoot. “I’m thrilled to partner with Shudder, who shares our passion for creating unforgettable horror experiences.”
Get ready to confront your deepest fears as Daddy’s Head arrives on Shudder this October.