
Fun House 2020

Fun House (2020) Big Brother meets the Horror Genre.

Fun house is a Reality TV show, think Big Brother… with a murderous twist. When the house guest or fun house player with the lowest number of votes is tallied they don’t make it out … Read This Story
Billy Movie

Billy 2019 – Short [Review]

The short film Billy is very creepy and over far too quickly. It revolves around recent homeowners Steve Delgado (Scott) & Michelle Gernon (Mia). The couple purchases a home with a questionable history for below … Read This Story
The Lodge 2019 Horror Movie Expert Review

[Review] The Lodge 2019

I came away with mixed feelings after watching The Lodge. Many parts were super relatable. Firstly, grieving over the loss of a mother or loved one. My mother recently passed away so that hit home. … Read This Story

[Review] Jack Hunters ‘Horror Nights’ (2020)

We were recently sent a screening copy of Jack Hunter’s Horror Nights a newish film which is now under the banner of Troma NOW. Jack is a independent horror creator out of Southern Sykos Productions … Read This Story
We Summon the Darkness

We Summon the Darkness Movie Review

We Summon the Darkness is a horror thriller directed by Marc Meyers, based on the Satanic Panic of the 1980s and the hysteria around heavy metal music. The film follows three metalhead friends as they … Read This Story