
Ghost Track

Ghost Track Review: A Sinister Slasher With Heart

Look, I get it. Small indie horror flicks about angry ghosts seeking revenge are a dime a dozen these days. Most end up as predictable gore fests you’ve seen a million times before. But every … Read This Story

Abruptio Film Review: Can You Get Away With Murder?

In the psychological thriller Abruptio, no life is spared and no sin goes unpunished. What begins as a fantasy of crime without consequence descends into a harrowing reminder that our choices create ripples, and even … Read This Story

Tubi Original Marry, F***, Kill: Do You Dare Play?

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And in the chilling new Tubi Original film Marry, F***, Kill, five estranged college friends will find out the hard way what happens when you mess around … Read This Story
Cube on Screambox

Cube: Is The Japanese Remake Worth It?

Explore the bold reimagining of the 1997 cult classic horror film Cube in its Japanese remake. Cat Voleur discusses the updated themes, unique vision, and potential pitfalls of the 2023 version. Is it worth the … Read This Story
Safe Word A Tubi Original Film, full review

What’s Your “Safe Word”? A Tubi Original Film

“Safe Word” is a riveting and enthralling journey into the enigmatic realm of BDSM, masterfully unraveling the intricate dynamics of dominant and submissive partnerships, while powerfully underscoring the crucial role of consent and communication. Boasting … Read This Story
Living With Chucky

Living with Chucky: A Heartfelt Tribute to the Child’s Play Franchise

The riveting documentary film, “Living with Chucky,” delves into the captivating world of the iconic Child’s Play franchise. Through exclusive behind-the-scenes access, viewers are taken on a journey that explores the profound impact that this … Read This Story
The Super Mario Bros. Film

The Super Mario Bros. Film Review

After years of anticipation, the Super Mario Bros. Movie has finally arrived, and it does not disappoint. With nearly four decades of history behind it, as well as a live-action adaptation that missed the mark, … Read This Story

HYPNOTICA: A Cast of Up-and-Coming Actors

Hypnotica: A Review Hypnotica is a 2023 American psychological thriller film directed by A.T. Sharma and starring Adam Johnson, Tim Torre, and Adam Foster. The film is about a young psychiatrist who tries hypnotism to … Read This Story