
Mad Heidi: A Fondue of Blood, Cheddar, and Revolution 

The hills are alive with the sound of bloodshed in the Swiss exploitation epic, Mad Heidi, a grindhouse reimagining of the beloved children’s storybook character. The character of Heidi was created in 1880 by Swiss … Read This Story
Sleeping Beauties Tubi

Sleeping Beauties on Tubi, You can sleep through this one.

The bizarre low-budget horror film Sleeping Beauties is a weirdly unsettling experience. Though flawed, the movie delivers enough creepy atmosphere, strange camp, and gruesome genre thrills to make for an entertaining watch, especially since you … Read This Story
I'll be watching

I’ll Be Watching: Movie Review

This movie is fine. So many critics, myself included, have the tendency to play up love or hatred of a piece for a more dramatic review. I love tearing down the occasional piece of media, … Read This Story
Strange Behavior: The Bizarre Cult Classic You Need to See

Strange Behavior: The Bizarre Cult Classic You Need to See

Strange Behavior holds a special place in my personal horror pantheon. As a teen in the 80’s, I was voraciously consuming every slasher film I could get my hands on. But amidst the sea of … Read This Story
Evil Dead (2013)

Reflecting on Evil Dead (2013) 10 Years Later

As we take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about the horror classic Evil Dead, it’s impossible not to acknowledge the 2013 reimagining that brought a fresh perspective to the beloved franchise. The 2013 … Read This Story
Lets explore the 1980s horror movie Night of the Demon and explain the ending of the film the right way in this horror movie review

Night of the Demon 1980 – A Chilling and Suspenseful Horror Classic

A great horror film from 1980 called Night of the Demon has developed a cult following over the years. The film, which was directed by James C. Wasson, tells the tale of a young couple … Read This Story
Don't Go in the House (1979) - A Psychological Slasher Oddity

Don’t Go in the House (1979) – A Psychological Slasher Oddity

The bizarre 1980 psychological slasher film Don’t Go in the House is a strange yet memorable entry in the early slasher genre that serves as an offbeat cult curio for dedicated horror fans. This obscure … Read This Story

The Deadites Rise Once More in Evil Dead Rise 

The unholy words of the Necronomicon have been spoken once again, unleashing a new reign of Deadites in Evil Dead Rise, the next chapter in the war on evil. Gas up your chainsaw, load your … Read This Story