
Snow Falls 2023 movie review

‘Snow Falls’ Fails to Chill in Formulaic Winter Thriller

When a group of friends plans a ski trip to ring in the new year, they expect winter weather but get far more than they bargained for in the tepid thriller “Snow Falls.” What begins … Read This Story

Take A Trip With Tubi’s Cabin Girl

You know what they say – the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but you really shouldn’t go in there alone. Tubi’s new original film Cabin Girl proves that venturing into the forest in search … Read This Story

Bad Girl Boogey Slays More Than Victims

At first glance, Bad Girl Boogey seems to have all the hallmarks of a formulaic teens-in-peril slasher, but don’t be fooled by appearances, Bad Girl Boogey is more than just another slasher rehash. Beneath the … Read This Story
The Devil Comes at Night

The Devil Comes at Night: A Shadowy Thriller That Ensnares Through Fear of the Dark

The Devil Comes at Night slithers into your psyche with all the subtly of a serpent in the dead of night. Directed by Scott Leaver, who co-wrote the screenplay with stars Ryan Allen and Adrienne … Read This Story
Oops! You’re a Vampire

Oops! You’re a Vampire Review: An Ambitious but Uneven Genre Mash-Up

Phil Messerer’s ‘Oops! You’re a Vampire’ aims to blend black comedy, family drama and horror but struggles with consistency. Messerer’s debut concerns the Baxters, whose teen daughter Helen becomes a vampire after a spell by … Read This Story

The Amityville Curse (2023) on Tubi Marks the Return of the Infamous Long Island Haunting 

The Amityville Curse is the latest film to resurrect the “true” story of the Amityville haunting that permeates popular culture. Based loosely on Hans Holzer’s 1982 book, this 2023 Tubi Original aims to reimagine the … Read This Story
On The Edge 2022 Film Awards and Review

On The Edge (2022) A Soska Sisters Film Reviewed

What do you get when you take a poorly functioning middle-aged man and have him spend the night with a dominatrix? You get On The Edge. We recently published a post in which we discuss … Read This Story
The Boogeyman

The Boogeyman Arrives But Stumbles in Execution

While The Boogeyman features anchoring performances and polished production qualities, its heavy reliance on horror tropes and logical inconsistencies undercut its attempts at crafting a nuanced portrait of grief or truly unsettling suspense. Director Rob … Read This Story