
Lifeforce 1985

Lifeforce: Tobe Hooper’s Overlooked ’80s Horror Gem

Amongst horror fans, Lifeforce remains one of the most tragically underseen gems of the 1980s horror boom. Directed by genre maverick Tobe Hooper hot on the heels of Poltergeist, this eccentric sci-fi vampire tale failed … Read This Story

Skinamarink: A Child’s Perspective of Horror

Skinamarink Review I tend to go on a bit of an analog horror binge during this time of year. Usually, I  stick with a series on YouTube, but I happened to see this movie in … Read This Story
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation and the Era of Weird 1990s Horror

In the vast slasher sequel landscape, there exists a strange breed of follow-ups that wildly diverge from their predecessors. While most recapitulate the formula that worked to diminishing returns, these oddball entries throw expectations out … Read This Story
Revealer (2022) A Shudder Original Streaming Movie Review 2023

Revealing Nothing New – Review of Shudders Revealer

Revealer is the latest micro-budget horror outing from writer/director Luke Boyce, whose previous efforts have focused on elevating exploitation and grindhouse tropes with social commentary. This time, Boyce bites off more than he can chew, … Read This Story
Gothic (1986)

Gothic (1986) – Russell’s Surreal Portrait of Creative Darkness

I was eager to revisit Ken Russell’s 1986 cult classic Gothic. This surreal and stylized take on the fabled night Mary Shelley conceived Frankenstein has all the ingredients to delight fans of phantasmagoric cinema. Russell … Read This Story
Tubi 2023 Captive

Captive Scout Taylor-Compton Sinks Her Teeth into Vampirism in Tubi’s

Tubi continues churning out lively original genre films to devour, and their 2021 vampire outing Captive should sufficiently sate B-movie fans’ bloodlust. Helmed by director Gregg Simon, this fast-paced creature feature combines familiar tropes with … Read This Story
insidious the red door

Insidious Franchise Stretched Thin in Sequel The Red Door

As a devotee of all things horror, I entered my viewing of Insidious: The Red Door with an open mind but alas, found this sequel to deliver diminishing returns. Trading the atmospheric tension of the … Read This Story
Pillow Party Massacre

My Bloody Sleepover: A Review of Pillow Party Massacre

Horror hounds, get ready to relive the gory glory days of 80s slashers – Calvin Morie McCarthy’s indie screamfest Pillow Party Massacre aims to be a blood-soaked trip down memory lane. This 2023 release centers … Read This Story