
Can You Survive the New Tubi Original Castaways

In the new post-apocalyptic Tubi Original film Castaways, two women find themselves shipwrecked and alone on a deserted island. As the girls fight to survive, their shared experience bonds them together in ways they could … Read This Story
They Wait in the Dark

Film Review “They Wait in the Dark”

Independent horror films are known for their ability to experiment and subvert the norm, but sometimes this approach can backfire. Patrick Rea’s “They Wait in the Dark” is one such film. Despite a promising poster, … Read This Story
The Burning

The Burning: Have you seen this classic movie?

Do you like to watch scary movies? Are you always on the lookout for the next great slasher film to watch? If so, you should definitely check out “The Burning.” Despite the fact that it … Read This Story

The Apocalypse is Upon Us in: Anglerfish

“Anglerfish” is a beautifully shot low-budget, arthouse project from writer/director Calvin Welch. While there is some narrative, it defies easy description. The narrative itself is intertwined with artistic shots, and dreamlike sequences that provide a … Read This Story

All The Forces of Hell Arrive in: Hell Van

In the new indie horror film Hell Van, all the forces of the apocalypse have rained down upon a small, unsuspecting Texas town, and may God have mercy on their souls because the Devil isn’t … Read This Story

Scream 6 Movie Review

The original Scream is not only one of the most seminal horror movies ever made, it also managed to do something few horror films have done period; it spawned a franchise where every entry stays … Read This Story

Let Me Go (The Right Way) Film Review

They know everything about you. You willingly reveal your deepest and darkest secrets to them, but how much do you know about your doctor? The new psychological short film, Let Me Go (The Right Way) … Read This Story
City of the living dead

City of the Living Dead Review: A Zombie Classic

City of the Living Dead” is a horror movie that marks the beginning of Lucio Fulci’s “Gates of Hell” trilogy, followed by the celebrated “The Beyond” and “The House by the Cemetery.” Keep reading to … Read This Story