
Bell Island Newfoundland Home to Everything Paranormal

Bell Island: A Paranormal Island That Will Leave You Spooked

It is said that a legendary creature known as the Bell Island hag, sometimes known as the Old Hag, can be found on the island of Bell Island, which is situated in the Atlantic Ocean … Read This Story
Paranormal Music Box Do they Work? Are Fake or Real? Let's find out

Paranormal Music Box Do they Work? Are Fake or Real? Let’s find out

About The Paranormal Music Box & How It Works Recently, devoted believers in the paranormal realm  have shown an enormous amount of interest in an unsettling device called the Paranormal Music Box. According to the … Read This Story
Necrophonic Spirit Box Tear Down

Necrophonic how does the Spirit Box App Really Work?

Necrophonic is a spirit box application for both Android and iOS devices that allows the user to use a sound bank and ITC to create a portal to communicate with entities and/or ghosts. Necrophonic is … Read This Story
SLS Camera How Does it work? complete explainer

What is an SLS Camera? How Does it Work? Let’s find Out.

If you are into the Paranormal and Ghost Hunting then you have more than likely heard about or have seen an SLS Camera in action. The specialized camera is used by ghost hunters, paranormal investigators … Read This Story
EVP Mobile apps android and iOS

How-to use EVP With mobile devices to communicate with the dead.

In the hope that something or someone from the spirit realm will be able to use this energy to communicate back to the listener on an audio band that human ears cannot hear alone, many … Read This Story

Dybbuk Box – The World’s Most Haunted Object

When you watch a horror film, it can sometimes leave you with a sense of fear or dread. Our only consolation is that we can tell ourselves that what we just watched isn’t real, that … Read This Story
Dybbuk Box on Mindseed TV

Mindseed TV Opening a Dybbuk Box Real or fake?

Finding videos on the internet of random people purchasing or opening a Dybbuk Box is nothing new, the box traditionally has a Hebrew background where a Rabbah would seal up someone’s belongings along with the … Read This Story

We at Horror Facts absolutely love everything spooky, haunted and exciting so we have dedicated our researching skills into brining you the very best paranormal content. From ghost hunting to witches on Penndel Hill we have it all covered.