
Apps like Necrophonic Spirit Box

Apps like Necrophonic the best list of EVP/ITC apps to communicate with spirits

Looking for more Apps like Necrophonic for your phone? No problem we have created a list of great Android and iOS apps that are built just for ghost hunting. This list has been updated on … Read This Story

The Curse of King Tut’s Tomb

On February 16th, 1923, Archeologists Howard Carter and George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon (Lord Carnarvon) opened the door to the burial chamber of King Tutankhamen, releasing a curse upon those present. In 1914, Lord … Read This Story

YouTube the home of true paranormal ghost hunting.

YouTube is a great video streaming platform that is used by millions of people everyday to watch videos ranging from cats doing funny things on camera all the way to streaming paid programming from YouTube … Read This Story
Necrophonic the ghost hunting application for android download now

Necrophonic the Spirit Box App, we tried it

So many of you perhaps have heard of spirit boxes, emf readers, EVP recorders and many other devices used in the ghost hunting world. Recently we were watching an Episode of Omar Gosh TV and … Read This Story

Proving Demons a Youtuber trapped in haunted house.

Andrew the creator, host and main camera man for the Proving Demons channel on YouTube is trapped in a haunted house during the quarantine happening in the UK right now. I love to watch Andrew … Read This Story
Hunting Purgatory a Mindseed TV series on Youtube

Mindseed TV a YouTube channel for Paranormal and Murder?

In the age of social media and YouTube finding, so-called paranormal evidence or ghost hunters is only a click away, as is Mindseed TV Mind Seed TV a channel that traditionally was used for product … Read This Story

We at Horror Facts absolutely love everything spooky, haunted and exciting so we have dedicated our researching skills into brining you the very best paranormal content. From ghost hunting to witches on Penndel Hill we have it all covered.