
A scientist studying equations modeling paranormal phenomena

Spooky Parallels: Quantum Physics and the Paranormal

At first glance, quantum physics and the paranormal seem unlikely compatriots. Yet some of the most boundary-pushing concepts from quantum theory align surprisingly well with claims from paranormal research. This section will explore some of … Read This Story
Spirit Activated Ghost Hunting

Detecting Spirit Activity with Motion-Activated Devices

Motion-activated toys and devices provide an affordable way for paranormal investigators to detect playful spirit activity during investigations. These interactive props, which typically cost under $30, can be just as effective as expensive paranormal equipment … Read This Story
How Thermal Cameras Capture Evidence of The Supernatural

See What Spirits Want To Hide: How Thermal Cameras Capture Evidence of The Supernatural

Paranormal investigators have long used devices like EMF meters, spirit boxes, and motion detectors to detect spirits, but many of these tools are limited in what they truly reveal about hauntings and supernatural phenomena. Thermal … Read This Story
Spirit Photography

A Guide to Paranormal Investigation with Spirit Photography

Introduction to spirit photography for paranormal investigations: Spirit photography, also known as ghost photography, refers to the practice of attempting to capture images of spirits, ghosts, apparitions or other paranormal phenomena on film or digital … Read This Story
The Spirit Talker App

Is Spirit Talker the Real Deal? A Look at Technology and the Paranormal 

Spirit Talker is a free mobile app available for iOS and Android that claims to allow spirit communication through a process of interpreting phonetic sounds and rhythmic sequences. The app provides an interface for users … Read This Story
The Randonautica App

The Randonautica App: Exploring the Paranormal Through Randomness 

The Randonautica app uses quantum random number generation to suggest mysterious coordinates for users to explore unknown locations nearby. While many enjoy using Randonautica for entertainment, adventure and connecting with nature, others report eerie experiences … Read This Story

Communicating with Spirits: The Lost Art of Dowsing

Dowsing rods are one of the most underrated and overlooked tools in the paranormal investigator’s arsenal. These simple divining rods have been used for centuries by dowsers and spiritualists to detect unseen energies and even … Read This Story
The ruins of houses and military fortifications on Signal Hill, St. John's, Newfoundland are said to be haunted by the ghost of Widow Marguerite, a sinister figure from local legend known as the "Black Widow". Her spirit is rumored to stalk visitors among these abandoned stone walls and derelict paths, seeking to ensnare fresh victims in her evil web. This ominous landscape is the setting for a creepy tale of murder, vengeance and a deadly curse that continues to grip the imagination of all who dare delve into the mysteries of Signal Hill's dark past. Enter at your own risk, lest the Widow's grim vengeance fall upon you as well!

The Curse of the Black Widow: Delving into Newfoundland’s Infamous Legend of Signal Hill’s Murderous Ghost

Nestled within the historic city of St. John’s, Newfoundland stands Signal Hill, a place renowned for natural splendor and military history by daylight—yet shrouded in a chilling legend that persists in gripping the imagination at … Read This Story

We at Horror Facts absolutely love everything spooky, haunted and exciting so we have dedicated our researching skills into brining you the very best paranormal content. From ghost hunting to witches on Penndel Hill we have it all covered.