
two people performing a ritual with a Ouija Board

The Dark Side of Ouija Boards

Unveiling the Fascinating History of Ouija Boards Ouija boards, also known as spirit boards or talking boards, have been captivating the imagination of people for over a century. This enigmatic divination tool first emerged in … Read This Story
Voynich Manuscript

The Occult Secrets of the World’s Most Mysterious Manuscript: Deciphering the Voynich Code

Beneath the cloak of the mundane, the Voynich Manuscript whispers of an age steeped in enigma and wonder. This ancient text, shrouded in the allure of the occult, has captivated scholars, cryptologists, and enthusiasts of … Read This Story
Rendered image of Necronomicon

Uncovering the Secrets of the Necronomicon

The mysterious Necronomicon has haunted the imaginings of horror fans and occult circles for nearly a century. This fictional grimoire, referred to as a dangerous and forbidden text of ancient magic, holds an enduring fascination. … Read This Story
Spirit Music Box App

The Spirit Music Box App Real or Fake?

The new Spirit Music Box app comes courtesy of the developer Spotted: Ghosts, a startup dedicated to easy-access paranormal investigation tools. Hitting both Android and iOS stores this year, Spirit Music Box quickly gained buzz … Read This Story

Cryptids Across Continents: Terrifying Legends From Around the Globe

Welcome to the shadowy fringes of the map, where the known world gives way to whispers and wonder. Here, in every corner of the globe, lurk tales of creatures that defy explanation and laugh in … Read This Story
Explain how REM Pods work for Ghost Hunting

What Is A REM Pod? Do They Work?

Even though the technology of a REM Pod is not exactly spanking new by any sense of the imagination, paranormal investigators all over the world are always ready to pounce on the next craze when … Read This Story
EVP Ghost Contact

Talking to the Dead: An Introduction to EVP

As an avid paranormal investigator, one of my favorite methods for making contact with spirits is through EVP, or electronic voice phenomena. Capturing the voices of ghosts through electronic recording devices remains one of the … Read This Story
Necrometer app

Necrometer App Takes Ghost Hunting to the Next Level

Paranormal researchers and ghost hunting teams now have an exciting new tool in their arsenal with the arrival of the multipurpose Necrometer app. This spirit communication and detection app leverages technology to facilitate contacting spirits … Read This Story

We at Horror Facts absolutely love everything spooky, haunted and exciting so we have dedicated our researching skills into brining you the very best paranormal content. From ghost hunting to witches on Penndel Hill we have it all covered.