We are living in a Horror Movie, an invisible enemy is around us all.
As the holiday season comes closer with each passing day one cannot help think that this year will be very different then any other year as Christmas is usually a holiday event where family and friends gather in mass to celebrate loved ones just before the new year sets in, where we exchange old stories and gifts to the ones we love and share our lives with.
While gift giving is very possible still this year. The big family gatherings in most parts of the world that celebrate Christmas will not be happening or at least will not be on the scale that they are usually this time of year. American Thanksgiving is right around the corner while the worst modern pandemic is running rampant all over the world, this certainly is going to change the outcome of many familys holding thanksgiving events.
What does a Pandemic christmas mean to you and your plans for the holiday season? are yuo going to downsize? staying inside all winter? or are you going to gather in big family gatherings? Let us know in the comments section what you plan on doing this 2020 Christmas?
Lastly comes the horror, a terrible thought that this could be the last Christmas for many people this year the final holiday season which to me as an author is more terrifying more than any horror film or story that you can read as this is real people with real life’s who just may not be with us next year due to the ongoing covid-19 pandemic.
Our thoughts are with you this upcoming holiday season and as always we encourage being safe during this uncertain time in the world.
Enjoy your loved ones and be safe.