NEW Evil Dead Rise no more Cabin in the woods!

The next Evil Dead will take viewers outside of the cabin in the woods and into a possible tower or skyscraper situation, the proposed title for the next film is ‘Evil Dead Rise‘ which was backed by Ash himself ‘Bruce Campbell‘ who states that no work will be taking place this year, but that in 2021 they expect to get started on the creation of the next film in the Evil Dead franchise.

About three weeks ago it was said that Lee Cronin (The Hole in the Ground) was selected personally by filmmaker Sam Raimi to lead and direct a new blockbuster film in the Evil Dead universe, Bruce Campbell revealed at the time that the film will be titled Evil Dead Now. However new info had come to light, as Campbell provides a new title name to Diabolique.

The official name is Evil Dead Rise. We’re getting a new draft in,” Campbell told the outlet. “I don’t think anything will happen until 2021. Full bore ahead, we’re very excited about it.”

Bruce Campbell

Cronin’s Evil Dead Rise won’t feature our beloved character of Ash nor will the film be connected to the last feature, Fede Alvarez’s Evil Dead, the film is set to take place within the universe of the evil dead but not to correlate with previous events.

“A whole new ballgame. No more cabin in the woods.”

Bruce Campbell

I am really excited to see a new movie coming from the Evil Dead universe as it has been sometime since the community was blessed with Ash vs Evil Dead. Bring on the next installment and lets get to choppin some deadites.

What do you think about the next feature film coming in this manor? do you dig it? do you hate it? let us know in the comments below we would love to hear from you.

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