Oct. 18th, 2020
Filmmaker Julia Marchese is on a quest to make a film based on Stephen King’s short story “I Now What You Need”. This film will be a part of Stephen King’s Dollar Baby program. The program gives filmmakers an opportunity to obtain adaptation rights for the price of $1.00 to choose from a list of select Stephen King titles and adapt it to create their own short film.

This is understandably a very big deal for those with the creativity and guts to tackle the challenge for themselves. The gravity of this opportunity is not lost on Julia as she describes this as one of the projects of her dreams.

Not unlike any other film project, funding is one of the biggest hurdles to getting a film project off the ground. Julia’s IndieGoGo funding campaign has a ton of information regarding the vision for her film and tons of other info about Julia herself, her film influences, etc. Check it out at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/i-know-what-you-need-a-stephen-king-adaptation#/
Julia has already proven herself as capable of creating great movies as she directed “Out Of Print”, a documentary about the importance of revival cinema and 35mm to culture. Out of Print was her first feature and won the Programmer’s Award at the Sidewalk Film Festival in 2014. The film played on 35mm around the world at film archives, art-house cinemas, and universities. The original print of her film now lives at The Academy of Motion Pictures film archive. In addition to filmmaking, Julia also co-hosts a horror movie podcast called Horror Movie Survival Guide.
I spoke with Julia briefly about her project to give her a chance to speak directly to our HorrorFacts readers. Julia’s passion for this project is undeniable and I personally can’t wait to see the finished product!

HF: Stephen King is without a doubt a living legend in the horror genre. How do you think your version of his story will differ from his?
JM: I think some of the differences will come from my perspective as a female filmmaker as compared to his perspective as a male writer. I will keep the story based in 1976 and the majority of the dialogue will be unchanged and I will bring my love for the vintage aesthetics of the 60s and 70s. I am excited to explore these characters and the intimate setting of this love story.
HF: What do you want people to know about your IndieGoGo Campaign for making “I Know What You Need”, why should they donate?
JM: I am a lifelong Stephen King fan who has an opportunity to make a movie on my favorite short story of his. Stephen King will be personally watching this movie (it is a stipulation of the contract that Dollar Baby filmmakers must send him a copy of the finished film) and you as a supporter can literally become a part of it. If anyone out there is a big fan like I am, this is an opportunity for them to be involved in a Stephen King movie themselves, and depending on their level of support can get screen credit as a producer. And of course, even if anyone can’t or doesn’t want to donate, I would sincerely just appreciate them just sharing my story!
HF: We, unfortunately, didn’t hear about your campaign until the tail end of its deadline which is quickly approaching on October 24th. If the campaign doesn’t get fully funded, will you still be able to move forward with the project?
JM: Although the campaign end date is October 24th 2020, one cool thing about IndieGoGo is that anyone who wants to support the campaign after that date can continue to do so! The film rights I obtained are only good for 1 year, so this may be my only chance to ever do this project. I want to do everything I can to make this dream a reality, otherwise, I would always be left wondering “what if?”, and I don’t want that to be the case.
HF: Lastly, which of Stephen King’s work would you most like to see made into a movie that hasn’t already been done?
JM: Are you going to make me choose just one, because that would be too hard. I think I would definitely choose either “The Talisman” or “The Long Walk”.
So there you have it folks! I was extremely thankful to get the opportunity to get to know this talented woman a little bit better and I will definitely be looking forward to seeing her vision on Stephen King’s work immortalized on film as her own. We here at HorrorFacts wish you the best of luck!
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