The most current film in the “In Search of Darkness” retrospective series, which highlights the grandeur of horror movies from the 1980s, is the critically acclaimed “In Search of Darkness III.” This most recent video contains a cast of celebrities from the 1980s, as well as writers, critics, and fans, who debate a year by year list of films that are designed to capture the spirit of the time. One of the most enjoyable 80s retrospectives ever made comes to a fitting finish that I have been really hyped about.
I have a lot of expectations for this movie as I’m a huge fan of the previous two films, and I can’t wait to see if it can live up to the huge bar that its two predecessors have set. Will “In Search of Darkness III” continue the series’ penchant for valuing the peculiar and obscure, or will it revert to the better-known category of outstanding films? There is only one way to learn the answer. Let’s get to it
“In Search of Darkness: Part III” is the third and last installment in David Weiner’s tributes to the genre’s prime 80’s films that we all love. Over the course of its five-hour running duration, the film examines both lesser-known and more well-known 1980s works. It also gives a detailed look back at some of the most important and original horror movies from that time.

The movie follows a pattern that has been used before. It talks about a few important movies from each year and also includes short documentaries about different parts of 1980s horror culture, such as the effect of VHS, the Satanic Panic, and how people were portrayed in the genre that caused such a stir in the industry of horror as a whole.
These brief historical glimpses are fascinating, although some of the topics raised seem underdeveloped. This is particularly true of the article on the Satanic Panic, which just touches on the superficial aspects and skips over the genuine destruction caused by this phenomenon and general panic.
At the end of the day when you turn this movie on you are going in as a super fan no doubt about it. And you will get all the fandom that you could possibly want in the movie along with some legends of the horror genre from the 1980s horror scene, such as Adrienne Barbeau, Dee Wallace, and Screaming Mad George. It’s awesome to watch the 80’s hero’s discuss the experiences they have had and the memories they share, since they have great anecdotes to share about their careers.
The 80s horror doc is also a useful tool to discover some of the 80’s horror movies that you may have missed along the way, I actually found a few in there that I had never seen before and added them to my list of movies to watch, so kudos to them for this.
One of the things that was really cool about “In Search of Darkness: Part III” its genuinely distinctive nature is the straight up thank you to the fans. The film ends with a heartwarming montage of horror movie fans expressing their love and appreciation for 1980s horror films, serving as a reminder that this film was created by fans, for fans. It’s a good way to end the series and shows how the genre has affected the lives of more than one person. A great ending indeed.
The trilogy’s third installment, In Search of Darkness: Part III, provides an epic look into the horror scene in the 1980s. Even if it doesn’t go into a lot of detail about every single movie made, it is still a beautiful tribute to the horror genre and proof that horror from the 1980s has a lasting legacy.