FANGORIA Studios reveals a “Weretiger”

As the producers of the horror feature SITORA, FANGORIA Studios are deep diving in folklore.

Horror magazine Fangoria is bringing the monster movie Sitora back to the screen, as Variety reported this morning. It’s the first film under Fangoria Studios.

In the spirit of FANGORIA’s heritage of genre storytelling, we are thrilled to announce the release of Sitora, a modern creature feature!

Practical effects and locations in real villages will be emphasized in the production. As a means of preserving his feudal control, the story focuses on a tyrannical shaman peddling the threat of a supernatural half-human, half-tiger. A fresh perspective on current events is provided by Sitora, which unveils current events in an unexpected setting.

It takes its title from a subdued Malay horror film from 1964, Sitora Harimau Jadian. It was directed and written by Malaysian auteur P. Radio Television Malaysia broadcast at least one episode of Ramlee. A flood is believed to have destroyed the film.

Malay will be the primary language of the film. In addition to his multidisciplinary work as a filmmaker and writer, Diffan Sina Norman is also a writer and a director from Kuala Lumpur. Their works of his have been exhibited at Sundance, SXSW, Rotterdam, and Clermont Ferrand.

The focus of FANGORIA Studios is to provide an international platform for stories with deep roots in legends, folklore, or the macabre, based in culture, folklore, or folklore. As a result, horror is considered truly global and has a wide appeal. Universally, people are afraid. Screams are universal in horror.

Taking Diffan’s direction, this film will please horror fans to the core. The role of Sir has been assigned to Wan Hanafi Su. The production team for FANGORIA Studios will include Tara Ansley, Armen Aghaeian, and Abhi Goel. Circle of Confusion represents FANGORIA Studios. CAA and Calvary represent Norman. The domestic sale will be handled by CAA Media Finance, which arranges financing.

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