In Storage Wars, on A&E Television five people compete against each other in an auction for storage units. When 3 months of rent are not paid on storage units in California, the units go up for auction. Dave Hester was one of the shows forerunners.
Dave Hester bought a storage unit at a higher than usual price of $1,350, He deliberately raises the bidding price to undermine Jarrod Schulz, his fellow salvager on the show. Things change when Hester stumbled across a human skull and a number of bones, it made his day even worse, as he was expecting to lose the unit after-all.
His fellow bidder, Darrell Sheets had an even worse experience when he found a body in a storage container.

The human skeleton was complete with all the necessary bones. A professional expert was consulted to determine whether or not it was real.
Although the bones were real, they were not possessed by evil intentions. To study human skeletons, they were used in medical schools and universities. As a result of how professionally they were cleaned and how nylon strings kept them all in place, the expert was able to recognize it. The intact human skeleton found inside the storage locker was valued at $1,670 US dollars.
The show’s producers fired Hester in December 2012, and he sued them for wrongful termination; the case has not been fully decided as of March 2013. Hester chose to not appear in season four, but returned to the show in season five.
It seems that the stars in Storage Wars are always finding something creepy.