Dark Coast, The horror division of TriCoast Entertainment has just announced the pending release of their newest offering directly to multiple VOD/Streaming platforms. Camp Twilight, directed by Brandon Amelotte (Life Just Happened) features a couple of horror fan-favorite actresses, Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp, Krampus: The Devil Returns) and Linnea Quigley (The Return of The Living Dead, Silent Night Deadly Night) as well as Dave Sheridan (Scary Movie, Ghost World) and Vernon Wells (Mad Max 2, Weird Science).
After discovering they are at risk of failing to graduate, 6 students agree to a weekend camping trip for extra credit. Lead by their teachers, Ms. Bloom and Mr. Warner, the students arrive at Camp Twilight and discover its past. The park has a dangerous and notorious history, and the students soon discover these stories are more than just urban legends. After a series of “accidents”, the remaining group discovers they are being hunted and must stick together to survive CAMP TWILIGHT.
Check out the trailer for Camp Twilight here. Camp Twilight is set for release, on Nov 1st, 2020 which is just in time for Dia De Los Muertos (Day of The Dead). Look for Camp Twilight on streaming platforms including InDemand, DirecTV, FlixFling, Vudu, AT&T & Fandango.
About the Author
Ian McGee. Gen X. Equal parts Man-Child/Cuddly Bear/Fierce defender of the weak. Dad and Husband. Lover of movies, music, jokes, food, good booze, and great conversation. Hello to any and all of my fellow horror movie aficionados out there on the ol’ inter-webs.
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