Skinamarink: A Child’s Perspective of Horror
Skinamarink Review I tend to go on a bit of an analog horror binge during this time of year. Usually, I stick with a series on YouTube, but I happened to see this movie in … Read This Story
Skinamarink Review I tend to go on a bit of an analog horror binge during this time of year. Usually, I stick with a series on YouTube, but I happened to see this movie in … Read This Story
“Why the hell would she run up the stairs?” you think as you see a movie with a knife-wielding burglar chasing a woman through her home. Then again, maybe it’s a survival group setting. Unnatural … Read This Story
Nearly everything that exists has a phobia attached to it. They range from ones that make sense rationally such as tigriphobia (fear of tigers) to ones you may find odd. Take vestiphobia (fear of clothing) … Read This Story
Initially, I wanted this article to be comparing and contrasting low-budget horror with high-budget horror. After some cursory research, though, I’ve concluded it isn’t even a contest. Low budget blows high budgets out of the … Read This Story
What was the first story to truly frighten you? This doesn’t have to be restricted to literature. It could also be from a movie, a game, or TV series. For me, it was a story … Read This Story
The line between these two things can be a bit blurry so for this article I’ll be doing some comparing and contrasting between the two. Beginning with horror, the setting has to be one in … Read This Story
I saw Cocaine Bear on the 27th and rather than just giving my thoughts on it by reviewing it. I figure I’d also talk about the genre it fits into and why this is a … Read This Story
I know comparing these two things may seem odd, but when I thought about it there are many similarities between them. First, I’ll explain what they are for the uninitiated. Since the idea of haunted … Read This Story
Existential horror has been with humanity for as long as we’ve been around. Since we could think, we’ve wondered if we were alone, and so we invented gods to watch over us. Whether or not … Read This Story