The award-winning horror THE CURSE OF DRACULA will be released on DVD and VOD on April 5th, 2022, from DANSE MACABRE and MVD Entertainment in the United States and Canada.
Mladen Dordevic’s Life and Death of a Po*rno Gang, Milan Todorovic’s Zone of the Dead and Killer Mermaids, Srdjan Spasojevic’s A Serbian Film, Filip Kovacevic’s Incarnation, Lazar Bodrova’s A.I Rising, and Dejan Zecevic’s The Rift are among the new generation of genre films from Former Yugoslavia. The Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival in Slovenia, which has established itself as a unique and famous event on the international festival circuit, celebrates the region’s passion of genre every year.
Two small-time thieves con visitors in THE CURSE OF DRACULA by organising a guided tour of a scary manor mansion claimed to be haunted by Count Dracula’s cousin. A Swedish Satanist, two French goths, and a Russian pr0n director make form their first gang. When they are attacked by a mystery phantom carrying a circular saw, the tour devolves into violent mayhem.
THE CURSE OF DRACULA, directed by Tomaz Gorkic (Killbillies) and starring Niklas Kvarforth (lead vocalist of Swedish black metal band The Shining), had its global debut at the Sitges Film Festival and won Best Feature at the Romanian Dracula Film Festival.
Last Updated on December 12, 2023 by Horror Facts
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