This article is going to be a bit different than the normal type content usually posted on Horror Facts, but I think that it’s a unique situation for everyone who will be spending a birthday at home due to the coronavirus situation keeping everyone at home there will be no party this year.
So most of you don’t know who I am. My name is Justin and I am the chief editor and producer of Horror Facts, I started this as a fan project many many years ago on a simple Facebook fan page, though the idea for the project was sites like Dread Central.

I usually have a store made birthday cake maybe an ice cream cake, but this year I was completing a career change which required a new education so for this commute and due to my home being 3 hours from Campus I stay temporarily with my parents as their house is close to campus.
My wife M.J came with me to the house. I’m blessed to have my wife and both of my parents spending my birthday with me this year but still it just does not feel the same many things that we usually do can’t happen this year due to the fears of contracting coronavirus in public spaces like bowling alleys, not to mention that the Cinema has completely shut down in Canada right now.
Still the birthday comes and goes, but today I will have a different type of birthday one not about gifts, friends, or a designer cake. Instead I will be thankful that some of the ones I love are with me this year, My Mother in Law and Father in Law are unable to be with us this year as they are over 1000 miles away and travel is just not safe. As the future seems to be very uncertain for many people.
Next year I hope the world is in a better place.
Last Updated on December 9, 2023 by Horror Facts