Sam Raimi, the director who first brought The Evil Dead series to life in 1981, is currently serving as executive producer of the upcoming Evil Dead Rise, and he has given his seal of approval to the latest instalment. It’s always a good thing when the original creative mind endorses a new project like Evil Dead Rise.
In a recent interview with Slashfilm Raimi had the following to say.
“I’ve seen a rough cut [of ‘Evil Dead Rise’], a medium fine cut, and a fine cut. There’s probably a few changes that Lee Cronin is making that I haven’t seen, but it’s great. It’s terrifying and it’s going to knock people’s socks off.“
Sam Raimi Via Slashfilm Interview

Among those who appear in Evil Dead Rise, including Alyssa Sutherland, Lily Sullivan, Gabrielle Echols, Morgan Davies, Nell Fisher, and Mia Challis, are Lily Sullivan, Gabrielle Echols, Morgan Davies, and Nell Fisher.
The premiere date for the film, which is planned to air on HBO Max, has not yet been announced.
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