
Amelia's Children

Amelia’s Children: A Missed Chance for a Truly Distinctive and Chilling Horror Experience

In the ever-expanding universe of horror cinema, there are countless tales of family secrets, long-lost relatives, and eerie settings. “Amelia’s Children” is one such film, but with a unique premise that holds the potential to … Read This Story
Lisa Frankenstein

Lisa Frankenstein Fails to Reanimate

In a cinematic landscape saturated with decades of monster mayhem played for laughs, “Lisa Frankenstein” ambitiously attempts to resurrect the stale horror-comedy genre with a bold concoction of humor, heart, and reanimated human parts. Yet … Read This Story
Voodoo Passion

Full Moon Features Collector’s Edition Blu-ray of “Voodoo Passion”

Jess Franco’s 1977 shocker “Voodoo Passion” has developed a reputation over the decades as one of the legendary director’s wildest, most daringly surreal films. Now thanks to the folks at Full Moon Features, this Eurocult … Read This Story
Project Dorothy

Project Dorothy Movie Review

When the trailer boasts “the next evolution in artificial intelligence,” one might expect a thrilling, provocative spin on technology run amok. What we get with “Project Dorothy,” however, is a monotonous slog through yet another … Read This Story
Black Circle Movie

Black Circle Movie Review

Gather ’round, my fellow shadow-seekers, for I have spun the spectral vinyl of Adrian Garcia Bogliano’s ‘Black Circle,’ and what a hypnotic tune it hums! A tale of doppelgängers and doom, ‘Black Circle’ ensnares the … Read This Story
It's a Wonderful Knife

Spiked Eggnog and Spilled Blood: It’s a Wonderful Knife Delivers

The new horror-comedy mashup film It’s A Wonderful Knife puts a darkly comedic spin on the beloved holiday classic It’s A Wonderful Life. Directed by Tyler MacIntyre and written by Michael Kennedy, known for their … Read This Story
A Creature Was Stirring

A Creature Was Stirring [REVIEW]

In the overstuffed genre of Christmas horror films, director Damien LeVeck distinguishes his entry “A Creature Was Stirring” through sheer height of concept. By taking the outlandish premise of a were-porcupine attack seriously, LeVeck crafts … Read This Story
Violent Night 2022 Movie review

Violent Night (2022) Another Christmas Horror Reviewed

It is reasonable to claim that Violent Night is the best example of an anti-Hallmark Christmas movie. It is recommended that everyone who has developed a sensitivity to the cheery and sweet tone that prevails … Read This Story