
The Black Mass

“The Black Mass” Doesn’t Live Up to Its Harrowing Premise [REVIEW]

From its ominous opening moments assuring us that murderers could be anywhere, hiding in plain sight, The Black Mass kicks off with a palpable sense of dread. As we’re thrust into the perspective of an … Read This Story
Camp Pleasant Lake (2024)

‘Camp Pleasant Lake’ Sinks Under Its Own Muddled Waters [REVIEW]

The slasher genre has given us plenty of iconic and bone-chilling summer camp settings over the decades – from the ominous forests of Camp Crystal Lake to the isolated grounds of Camp Blackfoot. These eerie … Read This Story
Imaginary 2024

“Imaginary” Movie Review: A Disappointingly Unimaginative Horror Rehash [REVIEW]

Imaginary friends are a rite of passage for many children, an expression of their blossoming creativity and ability to craft elaborate fantasy worlds. But what happens when that imaginary companion takes on a life of … Read This Story
History of Evil (2024)

History of Evil Can’t Escape Its Tonal Imbalance [REVIEW]

In the bleak, dystopian future of Bo Mirhosseni’s “History of Evil,” the United States has devolved into the fascist North American Federation, its citizens oppressed by roaming militia forces invoking twisted patriotism in the name … Read This Story
Lovely, Dark, and Deep (2023)

“Lovely, Dark, and Deep”: Atmospheric Horror at Its Finest

“Lovely, Dark, and Deep” plunges viewers into the heart of darkness, as park ranger Lennon, portrayed with stunning intensity by Georgina Campbell, navigates the treacherous wilderness of a national park haunted by a legacy of … Read This Story
Dark Windows Movie Poster

“Dark Windows” Challenges Cabin-in-the-Woods Horror Conventions

In the realm of horror cinema, the cabin-in-the-woods sub-genre has long been a staple, captivating audiences with its isolated settings, eerie atmospheres, and terrifying antagonists. “Dark Windows” (2023), directed by Alex Herron and written by … Read This Story
Dream Scenario

“Dream Scenario” Review: Cage Shines But Borgli’s Satire Lacks Narrative Cohesion

What if an average college professor inexplicably invaded the fever dreams of strangers and acquaintances alike, his benign visage transforming overnight from anonymous normie to reluctant internet phenomenon? Such is the oddball premise of Kristoffer … Read This Story

Baghead, it’s not good.

When the chilling, phenomenally captivating séance thriller Talk to Me raised the spirits of horror fans across the globe last year with its masterfully suspenseful exploration of the profound perils and paralyzing pitfalls of communing … Read This Story