
Abigail (2024)

Abigail Review: This Vampire Flick Has Bite

From the twisted minds of directors Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett, the creative forces behind modern horror hits like Ready or Not and the latest Scream movies, comes Abigail – a deliriously demented genre mashup … Read This Story
Hanky Panky Movie

Hanky Panky Review: A Deliriously Bizarre Horror-Comedy Gem

Imagine a world where your trusty handkerchief is more than just a cloth for wiping your nose – it’s a talking, wise-cracking companion with a mind of its own. Welcome to the delightfully absurd world … Read This Story
Sting Movie Poster

Sting (2024) Movie Review

Arachnids tend to get an unfairly bad reputation in pop culture as mindless, venomous monsters. The new horror film “Sting” does little to dispel that notion, taking the straightforward premise of a flesh-eating space spider … Read This Story

Tubi Exposes the Scariest Places in the World

We all have them – whispers of places so haunted, so tainted by tragedy, that they burrow deep into our darkest nightmares. In the Tubi original documentary Scariest Places in the World, a panel of … Read This Story

Easter Bloody Easter: Striving to Become Your Easter Horror Tradition

Get ready to hop down the bunny trail of terror with Easter Bloody Easter, a twisted tale that will make you think twice about the Easter Bunny and his furry little friends. In Walburg, Texas, … Read This Story
You'll Never Find Me

“You’ll Never Find Me” Review

The ominous pounding of the thunderstorm outside was like the prelude to a nightmare I couldn’t wake up from. That’s the gripping atmosphere Australian filmmakers Indianna Bell and Josiah Allen crafted with their taut psychological … Read This Story
A Cold Grave

A Cold Grave Movie Review

Dude, horror movies are my jam. The jump scares, the creepy atmosphere – I live for that stuff. But lately, found footage films have felt like reheated leftovers. Same shaky cam, same predictable plots, you … Read This Story
Home Education (2023)

This Italian Horror Will Make You Want to Call Your Mom (Seriously)

Buckle up, horror hounds, and prepare to enter a world where the stench of death hangs thicker than the cobwebs of isolation. “Home Education – The Rules of Evil” isn’t your typical haunted house fright … Read This Story