
Beyond Evil 1980 Movie Poster

John Saxon Battles Demons in the Tropical Horror ‘Beyond Evil’

“Beyond Evil” (1980) is a supernatural horror film that tries desperately to cash in on the possession and haunted house crazes of the 1970s, but ultimately falls short due to its muddled execution and derivative … Read This Story
The Boogey Man 1980 Movie Poster

From Video Nasty to Cult Classic: ‘The Boogey Man’ (1980) Reviewed

“The Boogey Man” (1980), directed by Ulli Lommel, is a fascinating entry in the early 1980s horror genre that blends elements of supernatural terror with slasher film conventions. While it may not reach the heights … Read This Story

Alice and the Little Green Men: The Truth is Out There, But Can You Handle It?

Thousands of people claim to have been visited or abducted by extraterrestrials. But is there any truth to these claims? Do aliens really exist? Or are these encounters with visitors from outer space merely our … Read This Story
Ginger Snaps (2000) Blu Ray Cover

Ginger Snaps: When Puberty Bites Back with a Lycanthropic Vengeance

Ginger Snaps, a Canadian horror gem from 2000, sinks its teeth deep into the realm of teen horror, emerging as a ferocious exploration of female adolescence that’s anything but another run-of-the-mill scream fest. This film … Read This Story
Antichrist (2009) Movie Rare Poster Art

Antichrist (2009): When Sex Becomes Horror [REVIEW]

Lars von Trier’s Antichrist is not a film for the faint of heart. It’s a brutal, unflinching exploration of grief and madness that weaponizes sexuality to a degree rarely seen in cinema. The film uses sex not … Read This Story
Crash (1996) Movie

Crash (1996): A Twisted Metal Ballet of Sex and Destruction

David Cronenberg’s Crash is not merely a film; it’s a visceral experience, a descent into the darkest recesses of human desire where the boundaries between pleasure and pain, beauty and mutilation, become irrevocably blurred. This … Read This Story
Jurassic Triangle

Jurassic Triangle (2024) – Movie Review

In the realm of low-budget creature features, “Jurassic Triangle” emerges as a perplexing entry. Directed by Victor De Almeida and penned by Harry Boxley, this film promised an adventurous escape with its premise of colleagues … Read This Story
Trap (2024) Movie Poster

“Trap” Review: M. Night Shyamalan’s Latest

When I settled into my theater seat for M. Night Shyamalan’s latest film, “Trap,” I was prepared for the unexpected. After all, Shyamalan has built a career on narrative surprises and twists that have left … Read This Story