
Here After

“Here After” (2024) Review

I’m all about those classic horror joints – give me some “Texas Chain Saw Massacre” or the OG “Halloween” any day. Hell, even “Dawn of the Dead” from ’78 still gets my blood pumping. But … Read This Story
The Assistant 2 Streaming on Tubi for Free

“The Assistant 2” – A Decent Tubi Thriller

I’m always down for a good thriller, something that keeps me on the edge of my seat, wondering what’s gonna happen next. “The Assistant 2” delivers on that front, serving up a suspenseful narrative that’s … Read This Story

Tubi’s Blood, Beach, Betrayal’: Where Privilege Meets Peril

Blood, Beach, Betrayal emerges as a surprising entry in the slasher genre, trading the typical masked maniac for a more insidious threat lurking beneath the surface of a posh beach resort. This Tubi Original takes … Read This Story
The Substance 2024 movie review

“The Substance” Review: A Brutal Commentary on Beauty Standards

“The Substance” is a freaking nightmare that’ll leave you questioning everything. I mean, we’re talking about a world where people are so obsessed with looking good, they’ll sacrifice their own humanity. And I’m not just … Read This Story
The Crow 2024 Remake

A Soulless Rebirth: “The Crow” (2024) Dumpster Fire.

In a misguided attempt to revive the iconic tale of “The Crow,” director Rupert Sanders has delivered a lackluster, style-over-substance film that fails to capture the essence of James O’Barr’s beloved graphic novel. Bill Skarsgård, … Read This Story
Inherit the Witch

Inherit the Witch: A Mixed Bag of Horror and Suspense

Inherit the Witch is a film that exists within the realm of psychological horror, navigating a narrative that touches upon various themes and ideas that, while not entirely new, still manage to evoke a sense … Read This Story

Longlegs: A Haunting Enigma of Unfulfilled Potential

As the credits rolled and the theater lights flickered back to life, I found myself sitting in stunned silence, my mind reeling from the cinematic labyrinth I had just navigated. Oz Perkins’ “Longlegs” is a … Read This Story
Creeping Death

Creeping Death (2023) Review Should You Watch?

Creeping Death is a supernatural slasher film that weaves a tangled web of Halloween lore, Celtic mythology, and old-school horror elements, culminating in a thrilling ride that will leave you sleeping with the lights on. … Read This Story
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