
Transcend Theory Android App

Transcend Theory App Experimental Spirit Communication

Chillseekers, the innovative developers behind the hugely popular Necrophonic spirit box app, have once again pushed the boundaries of paranormal exploration with their latest creation – Transcend Theory. Building upon the success of their previous … Read This Story
A Horror Facts Original Article About Paranormal

Haunted? These 5 Tools Will Reveal the Spirits Lurking Around You!

Have you ever felt a sudden drop in temperature, heard disembodied whispers, or witnessed an unexplained flicker of light? The paranormal is captivating the imaginations of more and more people. Fueled by the proliferation of … Read This Story
Horror Facts Paranormal Exclusive Article

Stanley Hotel: Haunted History or Tourist Trap? (Is it really that haunted?)

Nestled amidst the breathtaking Rocky Mountains of Colorado lies the Stanley Hotel, a majestic landmark steeped in history and a touch of the otherworldly. Built in 1909 by Freelan Oscar Stanley, a visionary entrepreneur, the … Read This Story

Ghost Towns and Abandoned Places: Eerie Destinations for the Brave

Dare to step into a realm where time stands still and echoes of the past whisper through crumbling walls. Imagine wandering through the desolate streets of ghost towns, where each abandoned building holds a story … Read This Story
Haunted Dolls

The Obsession with Haunted Dolls

In recent years, movies like “Annabelle” and “The Conjuring” have brought the concept of demonically possessed dolls into mainstream pop culture. Their blank eyes and frozen faces contrast eerily with alleged paranormal powers. While Hollywood … Read This Story
A haunted Dybbuk Box with a face on the box

Unboxing Shadows: The Allure and Peril of Dybbuk Boxes in the Digital Age

In the shadowy corners of the supernatural, few artifacts have stirred as much unease and curiosity as the enigmatic Dybbuk box. This small, often ornate box is believed to contain the spirit of a malevolent … Read This Story
Unsolved Paranormal Mysteries

Unsolved Mysteries: The World’s Most Puzzling Paranormal Cases

It was a night shrouded in silence, save for the gentle whisper of the wind caressing the leaves of an ancient oak tree. Under its boughs, a solitary figure stood frozen, their breath fogging the … Read This Story
Witches in Warfare

Witches in Warfare: The Use of Witchcraft in Battles

The clang of swords collides with the crackle of arcane energy. From the swirling mists emerge mysterious figures, their eyes aglow with power. These are no ordinary soldiers marching to battle, but witches supposedly wielding … Read This Story
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We at Horror Facts absolutely love everything spooky, haunted and exciting so we have dedicated our researching skills into brining you the very best paranormal content. From ghost hunting to witches on Penndel Hill we have it all covered.