Exercise should be fun and healthy right? Think again as MURDERCISE is a new upcoming horror film about a fitness fanatic who kills her way to the top. While there is no offical release date or trailer for the film at this time we did manage to get some details about the up and coming MURDERCISE.
Official Synopsis
An obsessed fitness nerd, Phoebe, lands her first big break as a performer in a sleazy workout video. After being ridiculed and ostracized by her co-stars, Phoebe befriends a mafia princess wild child, who teaches her how to murder her way to the top!
We are excited to begin production on this aerobics thriller. I’m a huge fan of Killer Workout, and Linnea Quigley’s Horror Workout and I’ve always wanted to make a thriller/horror surrounding the production of a workout video. I used to work in a t.v. production studio back in college and I regret never making a horror movie in that old spooky studio. We are almost done with the casting of the movie and we can’t wait to announce the fan favorites from the indie horror world that we have attached to the movie! We will launch a presale/crowdfunding campaign in the next few months!.
Paul Ragsdale
Check back at Horror Facts for more information about MURDERCISE as the details become availible.
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