Hammer Films Strikes Out with ‘Doctor Jekyll’

“I’m a sucker for a good horror movie, something that gets under my skin and stays there. The classics always do it for me – Texas Chainsaw, Halloween, Dawn of the Dead. There’s something about the raw, unbridled terror that those films evoke that just can’t be beat. Maybe it’s the grainy film quality, the eerie sound effects, or the sheer audacity of the plots, but whatever it is, those old-school horror flicks always manage to send shivers down my spine.

That’s why I was excited to hear that Hammer Films, the legendary studio behind some of the most iconic horror movies of all time, was reviving their classic horror legacy with a new take on Robert Louis Stevenson’s Doctor Jekyll. The original novella is a masterclass in psychological horror, exploring the darker aspects of human nature and the blurred lines between good and evil.

But can this modern retelling capture the same sense of dread and unease that those old-school horror flicks always seem to deliver? Can it live up to the standards set by Hammer’s own classics, like The Curse of Frankenstein and Dracula? I went into Doctor Jekyll with a mix of excitement and trepidation, eager to see if this new iteration could recapture the magic of the original.

Let’s dive in and find out.

The Cast of Doctor Jekyll

Eddie Izzard as Dr. Nina Jekyll is a whole different story, they absolutely kill it. I mean, this guy’s got talent pouring out of every pore. They bring this level of depth to the character that’s just mesmerizing to watch. It’s like they’re tapping into this dark energy that’s just simmering beneath the surface, waiting to unleash hell.

But the rest of the cast, meh. Scott Chambers as Rob, the carer dude, he’s alright, I guess. He’s got this whole “tortured soul” thing going on, but it’s just so… predictable. And Lindsay Duncan as Sandra, Jekyll’s assistant, she’s just kinda… there. I mean, I know she’s got skills, but this role’s just so underwritten, it’s like they’re wasting her talent.

Izzard’s the real MVP here, though. They’re the reason I kept watching, even when the plot started to drag. They’re like a train wreck that you can’t look away from, and I mean that in the best possible way.

Should you watch Doctor Jekyll (2024)?

Doctor Jekyll

The atmosphere in Doctor Jekyll is where things get really interesting. It’s like they’re trying to create this sense of unease, this feeling that something’s just off. And for the most part, it works. The lighting’s all dim and creepy, the music’s all discordant and jarring… it’s like they’re trying to get under your skin. I mean, I was watching this in the middle of the day, and I still got chills. That’s how effective it is.

But then there are these moments where it just feels like they’re trying too hard. Like, they’ll throw in some jump scare or some creepy noise, and it’s just so… predictable. It’s like they’re trying to check off all the horror movie boxes instead of actually creating something scary. I mean, come on, a creepy mansion with creaking doors and flickering lights? It’s been done before, guys. Try something new.

And don’t even get me started on the plot twists. I mean, I won’t give it away, but let’s just say it’s like they’re trying to be clever instead of actually being clever. It’s like they’re trying to surprise you instead of actually surprising you. I saw it coming a mile away, and I’m not exactly the most seasoned horror fan. It’s just… ugh.

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But despite all that, the atmosphere still works. It’s still creepy, still unsettling. It’s just… flawed. Like they’re trying to create this sense of tension, but it’s not quite there. It’s like they’re trying to make you feel something, but it’s not quite genuine. Ah, well. Maybe next time, guys.

The script for Doctor Jekyll is where things really fall apart. I mean, it’s like they took every horror movie cliche and mashed them all together into this messy, convoluted plot. It’s like they’re trying to explore these deep themes of identity and morality, but it’s just so… heavy-handed.

And the dialogue? Forget about it. It’s like they’re trying to make the characters sound smart, but it’s just so… forced. I mean, who talks like that? ‘Oh, the duality of human nature is a fragile balance.’ Give me a break. It’s like they’re trying to win some kind of award for Most Pretentious Horror Movie.

But you know what really gets me? The wasted potential. I mean, this is Doctor Jekyll we’re talking about. This is a story that’s been told and retold for generations, and yet… yet they still manage to screw it up. They take this iconic character and reduce him to just another generic horror villain.

And the ending? Oh boy, the ending. It’s like they’re trying to set up some kind of sequel or something. Newsflash, guys: if your movie’s not good enough to stand on its own, maybe you shouldn’t be making a sequel. Just saying.

Doctor Jekyll is just a mess. It’s like they took all these great ideas and threw them in a blender, then hit puree. The atmosphere’s creepy, I’ll give them that, but it’s not enough to save the movie from its own pretentiousness.

I mean, if you’re going to tackle a story like Doctor Jekyll, you need to bring your A-game. You need to be smart, you need to be subtle, and you need to be scary. And Doctor Jekyll just… isn’t.

It’s like they’re trying to be clever instead of actually being clever. They’re trying to be deep instead of actually being deep. And it shows.

So, if you’re a die-hard horror fan, maybe you’ll find something to like here. But for the rest of us, it’s just another skippable horror movie. Next.”

Final Verdict:

Doctor Jekyll had all the ingredients to be a killer horror movie – iconic source material, creepy atmosphere, and a talented lead actor. But somehow, it all fell apart. The pretentious script, predictable plot twists, and lackluster supporting cast make it a skippable horror flick.

If you’re looking for a good horror movie, keep looking. But if you’re curious about Hammer Films’ latest attempt to revive their classic horror legacy, then maybe give it a watch. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Rating: 2.5/5


  • Eddie Izzard’s performance
  • Creepy atmosphere


  • Pretentious script
  • Predictable plot twists
  • Lackluster supporting cast


If you want to see a good Doctor Jekyll adaptation, check out the 1931 Fredric March version instead. Trust me, it’s a classic.”

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