[Book] The Pineys and Indian Curse Road: Comedy/Horror in South Jersey

Laurel Springs, NJ: South Jersey author and comedy writer, Tony DiGerolamo, announces the latest book in his novella series, The Pineys: Book 8: Roadkill Piney— A story about Route 55 otherwise known as Indian Curse Road.

“Route 55 had an extension built in 1983 towards the Deptford Mall,” explains DiGerolamo. “Unfortunately, it was built through an Indian burial mound and strange things began to befall the road crew.”

During the construction of the road in ‘83, one worker was hit by a steamroller and another fell off an overpass and died. Native American elders warned that bad things would happen if the road wasn’t diverted around the sacred site. Weird NJ magazine and other publications continue to chronicle the strange happenings along the road since and DiGerolamo has used the setting for his story.

The Pineys is a pure South Jersey story centering around the Galloway family and their fight against not just one Jersey Devil, but multiple denizens of Hell unleashed into the Pine Barrens by Mother Leeds in the 1700’s.

“Reading each book is like an episode of a one-hour TV show,” explains DiGerolamo. “As the series unfolds, you learn more and more about the world of the Pineys and South Jersey legends like Indian Curse Road.”

DiGerolamo, a life-long South Jersey resident, has been writing about the Jersey Devil and South Jersey for over 20 years. He also does the Piney Podcast, a YouTube show devoted to all things Piney.

The Pineys: Books 1 thru 8 are available now on Amazon as ebooks for $2.99 each, tradepaperbacks for $7.99 or free to Kindle Unlimited Users.

You can check out the book on Amazon.