
double blind backdrop

Double Blind Review

The sterile walls of a pharmaceutical research facility rarely inspire dread. In most cases, they house the quiet hum of progress, the methodical pursuit of a cure. But “Double Blind” isn’t interested in most cases. … Read This Story
Altered States (1980)

Ken Russell’s Altered States – A Deliriously Visceral Cult Psychedelic Freakout

Altered States is a mind-bending cinematic experience that burrows deep into the darkest recesses of human consciousness. Director Ken Russell takes viewers on a primal journey back to the origins of life itself, peeling back … Read This Story
Frogman (2023)

Frogman Review: An Oozy Ode to ’90s Found Footage Horror

Found footage horror has been done to death over the past couple decades, but every so often a film comes along that breathes new life into the shaky cam chaos. Frogman had all the ingredients … Read This Story
The Seeding (2023)

Slow-Burn Descent: The Seeding Crafts Creeping, Primal Desert Horror [REVIEW]

In the vast, sun-baked expanse of the American desert, evil takes root and nightmares unfurl under the scorching rays. The Seeding is a slow-burn descent into primal terror, stripping away the comforts of civilization until … Read This Story

Guess Who (2024) Review: Tubi Original Film

“Guess Who” had all the makings of a delightfully twisted and original horror premise. Centered around the bizarre holiday tradition of “mummering” – where people dress in disguise and go door-to-door performing for treats – … Read This Story

Alligator (1980) Review: Campy Creature Feature From the Sewers

As a child of the 80s weaned on a healthy diet of Fangoria magazines and late-night cable creature features, Alligator hit all the right nostalgic notes for this horror devotee. This 1980 B-movie gem takes … Read This Story
H. P. Lovecraft's the Old Ones

H.P. Lovecraft’s The Old Ones Review: A Bloody Cthulhu Mythos Delight

I have to admit, when I first heard about H.P. Lovecraft’s The Old Ones, I was incredibly intrigued by the premise. A grizzled sea captain, possessed for over nine decades by one of the ancient … Read This Story
Murdaritaville (2024)

Murdaritaville’ Is a Bizarre, Beer-Soaked Ode to Parrothead Fandom

In the vast, seemingly endless cinematic universe of quirky horror-comedies, few premises could feel quite as niche as Murdaritaville. Yes, that’s the actual title – a punny riff on the iconic Jimmy Buffett song “Margaritaville” … Read This Story