Have you ever thought to yourself, “Wouldn’t it be crazy if someone combined elements from Predator, Alien, Men in Black, Puppet Masters, and Night of the Creeps with any zombie film ever made?” Well then, Pussy Cake is the movie for you.
Pussy Cake follows an all-girl rock band of the same name who are on their way to a show where their manager has guaranteed them that a scout from a record label will be in attendance.
Right from the start, the trip appears to be plagued with problems, but a little bit of van trouble soon pales in comparison when they arrive to discover that the town is abandoned and inhabited by a vomit-spewing zombie who appears to be under the control of an alien slug.
If that sounds confusing, don’t worry: it only gets crazier from here!
The situation is made worse by the introduction of an unknown entity in a red cape, a being that needs no explanation because it never gets one.
Forced to take shelter from the horrors that have befallen them, the girls attempt to barricade themselves in a nearby home, only to discover that no place is safe.
Watch as these hardcore rockers fight for their survival against a being that is looking to enslave their minds and use them as unwilling hosts to bring more of its species to earth while they also try to evade the creature in the red cape who is hell-bent on stopping the slug from harvesting the human race.

Pussy Cake introduces a lot of concepts but never takes the time to explain anything; it just throws things at you and hopes you’ll figure them out on your own.
The biggest thing it loves to throw at its audience is vomit, which this movie drowns you in. There’s nothing like seeing your main character projectile spewing foamy white vomit to set the mood of a film.
This vomit is a perfect example of something the filmmakers hope you’ll piece together on your own. If you’re paying close enough attention, this one is easy enough to figure out.
The unlucky soul that the alien slug attaches to appears to be the source of the aforementioned white vomit. The reason for it is that the slug’s host pukes inside the mouth of a person, which in turn results in the individual becoming an unwilling incubator for the creature’s eggs.
But, unlike the reason for the vomiting, the thing in the cape never receives an explanation. It’s either an alien from the same planet as the slug or it’s something that has been tasked with tracking and killing the slug, like the bounty hunters from Critters.
Unfortunately for the viewer, we never get an explanation. All we know is that the thing is a cross between the predator and the alien from the morgue scene in Men in Black.
Pussy Cake is crazy from start to finish. Once it gets going, it doesn’t slow down or bother to look where it is going; it just keeps throwing blood and bodily fluids at the screen throughout its seventy-five-minute run time.
There is very little time spent trying to explain to the audience what is happening. All you know is a scientist opened up a rift to a parallel dimension and disappeared. His son then opened the same rift in an attempt to rescue his father, which resulted in a slug creature coming into our world. Now the fate of humanity rests in the hands of a rock band. Everything that happens from that point to the end of the film is just pure insanity.

On a scale of 1-5 stars, I give this movie 3.5 stars.
If you’re one of those people who like things – like the characters and key plot details of a film – explained to them, then Pussy Cake is not for you.
But, if you’re instead somebody who wants to watch a film where you have no clue what’s going on or who anybody is and instead want to watch a bunch of people running around being chased (by zombies? aliens? or maybe zombie-aliens?), then Pussy Cake might be exactly what you’re after.
Pussy Cake is an Argentinian-based horror film directed by Pablo Parés and starring Macarena Suárez as Elle Cake, Aldana Ruberto as Sara Cake, Sofia Rossi as Juli Cake, Anahí Politi as Sofi Cake, and Flor Moreno as Pato.
Pussy Cake will be available on Scream Box on August 30. You can head on over to Scream Box today and start your 30-day free trial.
Last Updated on February 8, 2023 by Horror Facts